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  • I was really pleased to see you in the Bikdiponabus stream today :3
    Well, I guess it's a smaller world than we realized. XD
    Hiya! It's been a while. How have you been?
    Okay, been really busy because school stuff. I kinda deserve it for being involved in like, 3 clubs though.
    I can imagine that it gets pretty busy, yeah. Still, it seems kinda nice to be so involved! I've never really been a part of anything here. ^_^;
    CAVE STORY 3D! Found a copy at a Gamestop near me.
    Nice! Did you hide it behind all of the other games so nobody else would have to buy it? : o
    Hi! So you said that you had beaten Cloud City in Wilfre's Extended Mod. Since he appears not to be on, where is Arthur supposed to be? I got up to the last platform in the chain, and it appeared that there were no more, and no door for that matter. Am I just glitching out?
    It's been a long time since I've been through the extended mod. I'll replay it and let you know for sure.
    From my memory, I believe you had to go through most of the hidden areas first. I do know, that the very last hidden area is broken, as there was a coding error. It may have been fixed, but I don't believe so.
    Hey, I swear I sent you the 0.2 version for bugtesting. Did you get it, or do I need to send the recent version? (I know the version I'm working on (not the 0.2 you got if you did get it) has one VERY bad bug, and idk how to fix it since I've encountered it in the past...)
    I believe I got it, I've just been busy with school and clubs and what-not. I haven't had the time to properly bug test it yet. I got the file you sent on the 13th.
    So much digging through this site's history... and finding stuff that should stay buried.
    there's a lot of skeletons lying around
    It is said that certain secret areas of the S.P.O.T hold terrible horrors and wonders alike. Talk to enough people and you hear stories of cursed download links, wondrous lost cat GIFs, discarded plans for a forum uprising, instructions on forging a Banhammer. Some sources even say that the preserved bodies of the likes of Dooey, Schmitz and RuneLancer can be found in hidden underground chambers. (The validity of these claims is probably nil, since RuneLancer is still alive, but missing.)

    A more buried, unspoken tale tells of a secret room in the Sattelite Lounge that, when accessed, leads to a portal in the center of it, which purportedly links to a secret area of the forums known as "the Administrators' Steel City in the Sky".

    I've searched both areas high and low many, many times, though I haven't read through every single thread yet. Unless the ancient Sealed Threads can be opened and hold something else, it's likely that none of these stories are true.

    Believe what you want to, though...
    Here you go, just in case you missed it in the thread: <a href='http://www.mediafire.com/?3m2q65c9x6begye' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'><a href="http://www.mediafire...3m2q65c9x6begye" rel='nofollow external' class="su_links">http://www.mediafire...3m2q65c9x6begye</a></a> (mp3 file of my piano cover)
    Thank you! I didn't want to go through the youtube to mp3 converter hassle. It's not bad, but I did that with 2 other songs and at parts, it cuts out/lags the song out for some reason.
    It all makes sense now
    Sapphire yoshi
    Ruby yoshi
    I kinda see you logic, but actually, it drives from something else. My big bro has (Or had I think) the screen/username of "Tinyyoshi". He made it up WAY back in the day. (When he found out about Runescape, which at the time for me, was when I wasn't even in school yet) I tried Runescape out myself (Found myself liking it, even though the updates now suck except for the 2007 RS bring-back) I think I liked Rubies (The gemstone) because they were red and red at the time was my favorite Color. (It was my favorite, my new favorite is a yellow-green color) I ended up doing a combination of the two and I got rubyyoshi. (Sapphireyoshi is a back-up if Rubyyoshi is taken already)
    Well actually I used to think that Rubyyoshi was one word so seeing your email address made it all make sense.
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