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The writing in the Paper Mario games is very good, I have to admit.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Nyeheheh, I could imagine that happening in various places as well. Imagine this happening right after you beat Ballos. XD

Also, have you played Super Mario 64 (DS) and/or Mario Kart?
I played a small bit of 64 DS, but never made it too far. It was fun while I played it.

I do have a few Mario Kart games. They're fun in short bursts with friends.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I'm trying to get all the Stars to open the cannon outside of the castle so I can shoot myself onto the castle.

If you have Mario Kart 7 and/or 8 we can race each other.

I remember I use to cheat on both games. Mario Kart DS usually crashed when I tried cheating on it, and 64 DS sometimes crashed in curtain stages. If you want to watch some real cheating on Mario Kart DS though, look up the user Superstario on Youtube. Some crazy stuff he's got on his Mario Kart game.
I kind of got over cheating after I became older. It's just more fun to do things the real way.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I don't cheat as much anymore, because of an experience of mine. I still do cheat, but I use <em class='bbc'>way</em> more caution then I used to. I don't do it to get the upper-hand on others or anything, but sometimes it's just fun to fly around everywhere and stuff. Now a days I mostly cheat on games that I don't mind if they get messed up or something.

Primal Mega Dialga EX.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Some dialog I thought of.

<div class='bbc_spoiler'>
<span class='spoiler_title'>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />
<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;">*After Defeating Undead Core*
<strong class='bbc'>Quote:</strong> "Finally! We beat the Core!"
<strong class='bbc'>Core:</strong> "Heheh, nope! I'm still alive."
<strong class='bbc'>Quote:</strong> "How!? You exploded!"
<strong class='bbc'>Core:</strong> "Heh... That's a secret. I have no wish to fight you anymore. But you're not leaving here alive..."
<em class='bbc'>Self-Destruct system activated. Self-Destructing in 30 seconds. Beep Beep Beep Beep...</em>
<strong class='bbc'>Core:</strong> "Hahahaha! Try to get off the island now, sucker!"
<strong class='bbc'>Quote:</strong> "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-"</div></div>
Wait a minute... The Core can't talk!
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx

Also, imagine Balrog arguing with Bowser.
Clash of the incompetent villains.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
That should be a movie title.

If CurlyXQuote is pretty much official, then someone should draw a picture or make a video of their wedding.
Uhh I don't think it's official.
And that would be weeeird if it was a wedding thing.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
A lot of people seem to ship Curly with Quote so I suppose it might as well be cannon like that time with Chako.
Well, shipping is more then just screwing someone. It might as well be a love story! <del class='bbc'>Although it has to be better then Twilight.:-P At least that's how the meme goes, anyway...</del>
I think the right word for that is 'fanon.'

I mean, it would be weird if Pixel announced it was a true relationship, but then it'd be canon.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
gotta love wario
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
One of my favorite characters.
He would do <em class='bbc'>anything</em> for treasure.

If the the floor and walls of the golden Blood Stained Sanctuary are actually real gold then...
No way! Ballos just painted them in his spare time. Or maybe the ghost dog.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Or maybe the Butes? <em class='bbc'>"This place doesn't look angelly enough... Lets paint it gold! That'll do it!</em>

Speaking of Ballos, I think he has like a bunch of those fancy wine glasses and drinks wine from them.
He'd better. Ballos is a classy man.