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Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Heh, but I bet you beat the game before you could find some of those Pokemon that you could have secretly gotten after Groudon/Kyogre (But still have not beaten the game yet)?

Also, I might do an Alpha Sapphire run through using Dialga. The Dialga is going to start at Lv.1. The Dialga is going to come from the <a href='http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sinjoh_Ruins' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Sinjoh Ruins</a> Event.
Whoa, that's neat. I forgot that event existed. That's cool though, interesting idea for a run.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
*appears from smoke*

I'm probably going to do that after I complete Alpha Sapphire twice, including this run through. First a generic run though, then a possible Let's Play, then a run through with Dialga.

For some odd reason, the online school I'm in, seems to make some of the math problems more complicated then they should be, so I asked my dad, and he showed me an easier and less complicated way.
Well, people learn in different ways with different styles. Maybe the online school taught the way they thought was easiest for everyone else. Might just be a misstep on their part.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I didn't think of it that way.

Also, I'm trying to find a cheat code for Pokemon Emerald to get the Old Sea Map, MysticTicket, and AuroaTicket to go to Faraway Island, Navel Rock, and Birth Island respectively. I want to get those items via the Delivery Man rather then getting it from the PC, or just cheat warping to the islands.
I imagine they exist somewhere. People love Pokémon, so I would be surprised if you can't find one. You'll probably be better off just getting them through your PC, though.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
Yeah, but that isn't to legit (Not like any of them are legit. lol), plus you need to use another code to activate them. I know that I got a working code to get the Azure Flute in Pokemon Platnium, so there has to be a way to do it like in Platnium...
I remember having a lot more trouble with Gen 3 codes than with Gen 4 codes when I used to use Gameshark/Action Replay. And yeah, it's not legit either way, so it doesn't matter what road you take.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
There has to be a way to make a cheat code like that for Generation III though, right?
Maybe! I'm not someone who designs codes or anything, so I'm not sure how possible it is.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I remember I stumbled onto a site where cheat codes and hacking was their specialty. Now if I can only find that site again...

It shouldn't be too hard to find. Just do an Advanced Google Search or something.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
I'll go try that out.

I'm gonna draw draw some random stuff.

What Pokemon have you IV bred so far?
Good. Post me the random stuff you draw so I can see it.

I've bred Drifblim, Porygon-Z, Spiritomb, Drapion, and Shedinja (although Shedinja only requires Attack and Speed, so it was almost a non-issue). As you can tell, I really like the Gen IV Pokémon.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
It's turning out horribly. XD

Ooh Porygon-Z! Did you nickname it?
Also, you should breed Empoleon. It looks really cool.

So far I've bred Meowstic (Female), Hawlucha, Noivern, Avalugg, Aegislash, Florges; Eevee, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espieon, Umbreon, and almost all the Starters (Haven't finished breeding Oshawott, Contrary Snivy, and debating whether or not I should breed Reckless Tepig.).
Porygon-Z has been nicknamed, yes. All of my fully trained Pokémon are! As much as I like Gen IV Pokémon, I do not like the starters much. Empoleon is cool, sort of, but not really a favorite of mine. (I do like the Shinx line, though!)
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
What did you nickname it?

I'm pretty much breeding all the Starter Pokemon for a project of mine. After I IV breed & EV train, and Level them up to Lv.100, I'm going to get all the different Legendary Mascots and pretty much do the same. For Generation I though I'm going to get Mew2s and a Mew. Generation II I'm going to use Ho-oh, Suicune, and Lugia. Gen III, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza.
Gen IV (Best Generation to IV breed. :-P), Dialga, Palkia, Giratina (Alt. or Orgin Form). Gen V, Reshiram, Zekrom, (B/W) Kyruem. Gen VI, Yveltal, Xerneas, Zygarde.

Yay! :-D

Speaking of Generation IV, do you like Gallade or Gardivor better.
Its nickname is Liner. I believe it's the only one of my trained Pokémon that is not named after a forum member.

Wow, that sounds like quite the undertaking. Good luck with that.

Gallade, easy choice. Better design because, I mean, he has blades for arms. That's neat. I may even train one to make it my designated Mega Evolution Pokémon, since I don't have one yet.
Shiny Shinx
Shiny Shinx
If I breed Porygon-Z, I'm going to give it a distorted version of Porygon. I.e. P03gOm
Something like that. Needs more spaz.

ORAS made that way easier, but Lugia and Ho-oh are going to be hard because I'm going to try to get them from Pokemon Dream Radar.

<del class='bbc'>Name it Wally. XD</del>
I do like the Porygon-Z spaz. The nickname fits. It's not fun to IV breed though, since only Ditto is compatible.