Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

Well, I don't show off, don't criticize (I don't care to be cool, don't criticize me about it)

I'm just livin' by my own feelings
And I won't give in, won't compromise
'Cuz I only have a steadfast heart of gold (Trying to do the best I can, and be the best I can be)

I don't know why, I can't leave though it might be tough (Me wanting to leave the CSTSF)
But I ain't out of control, just livin' by my word (Holding trying to hold up the standard of right and wrong)

Time won't wait and I got so much to do
Where do I stop now, it's all a blur and so unclear (Life is changing so fast for me right now, I Don't know what's going on.)
Well, I don't know but I can't be wrong (I have to make the right choices, becasue my life is so precious for these next few years, and may change the entire course of my life)
It doesn't matter now what happens,I will never give up the fight (literal)
Long as the voice inside drives me to run and fight (literal)
Place all your bets on the one you think is right (literal)

You see Dunc, I can't let you control my life like this, I can't look at you as an overseer and let you destroy my future because "Dunc wouldn't like me to do that, he wouldn't let me back in the Skype Group if I did that"

I need to just cut my losses and move on, I can and WILL care less for the Skype group, it means next to nothing to me now.

I don't mean to say this to sound rude to you, but I can't let it go on any longer.
Dunk doesn't chuckle he'd rather flex his muscles
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
i can't handle you people oh my gosh
SEBT: lol

Desu: Just because I use an Allegory doesn't mean you have to "handle" anything.

Sit down already, I wanna hear what Dunc has to say.
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
I don't know what you're talking about. I was just saying that I find it funny how all this drama happens and that it's come this far
I have
To say to you


Welcome back.
The fact that you've come up with such a coherent argument and told me that you've stopped caring has proved to me both that your intelligence and emotional maturity has improved in just the short time you've been banned. This comment is, without a doubt, the best indication you've given me that you are not nearly as awful as before. Excellent work.
I'm having you added back right now.

Well, that was unexpected....

Ummm, As much as I want to be welcomed back, I really don't want to go back.

When I hung out around you guys, I didn't get anything done really.

It's not a bad group, I'm just saying that there is no PROGRESS there, and I don't really have anything to gain from it.

I'll stop by some time and say hi, but I'm gonna stay in the fast lane and keep on runnin' for now.