I'm not talking about you opening up, even a bit, by the way
That matters far less to me than someone deciding they're going to follow God more closely.
We've discussed my reasons before, so I don't need to get into that, but...
Those same reasons apply to God, even more so. He needs that way more than I do. And Polaris, you have no idea how happy this makes me. A good friend of mine having an epiphany and then making a conscious decision to get closer to God? That has to be the best Christmas present I've ever received.
I'm not talking about you opening up, even a bit, by the way
That matters far less to me than someone deciding they're going to follow God more closely.
We've discussed my reasons before, so I don't need to get into that, but...
Those same reasons apply to God, even more so. He needs that way more than I do. And Polaris, you have no idea how happy this makes me. A good friend of mine having an epiphany and then making a conscious decision to get closer to God? That has to be the best Christmas present I've ever received.
I talked with him shortly after. At first tentatively. But then with growing assurance, because it was never like that before...
There was no real praying involved. Just hands behind my head, staring at the ceiling. And thinking.
Asking if what I believed, that I'd be okay no matter what in the grand scheme of things, was true. Because it's a big part of what I believe in, and if it isn't true...
Obviously I can't share exactly what we talked about that well. But as we did, a strange sort of beautiful white peace slipped into my heart.
I was afraid of change, before. Afraid that if I truly committed, that vital parts of me would die. Parts I didn't want to let go of.
But I realize now...I know what's important and what isn't. What is important, the big chunks of me, those won't have to die. They'll just change for the better. Be reforged in a new light.
I'm going to be very starkly truthful here. Maybe needlessly truthful. But I shouldn't have to be so afraid. I won't be so afraid. With practice, and with understanding. And this is a step.
What we discussed. The fetish...that will have to go, won't it? It is lust of the flesh, after all. But what lied behind it, transformation...that's just an interest. An idea I want to explore. And an interest is pure at its core. I was always afraid of another of my interests. But some people love dogs, and some people really like cats. I like a fictional creature known as a Gardevoir. And there's nothing wrong with that, is there?
So I realized that change isn't bad. Some things are sinful, and I'm going to want to hang on to those. But I can let go, given time. And sometimes there's a little grain of something really essential, something that can stay a part of me. The important things.
I'd like to try following God. With everything I've got. I know I won't let him in tomorrow. Maybe not the week after that, or the month, or the year. But little by little, with time, with his help, with my ally, with the love of my family and friends, I can open up. Find a way to change for the better. And life will really get sweeter.
Similarly, I'm not going to be afraid forever. There are very real people behind that glass, and they do care for me. No matter how much I try to think they don't. There's something very simple and true about that. People can make connections from across the world.
I don't think there's anything wrong with who I am. I'm eccentric, yes. Some people won't agree with me. Maybe my family will be in that category. But Polaris and my name aren't different people. Just different expressions of who I am, and what I'm made of. I think I need to show who that person is, all of it. Some people will be horrified, yes. Some will be very surprised, some won't want anything to do with me. But there are also a lot of people who will love to know the whole truth, like that person for who they are. I can see all of the relationships that could be so much stronger, relationships I am passive in. I was afraid of closeness. I still am. But I've never experienced it, and it could be something very beautiful indeed.
I'm not entirely sure of what I'll do in the future. It can be a bright one, and I want to see how I'll get there. But that's okay. What I do know is that I'm going to sleep now.
And I'll wake up to a new day.