Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

1. lol "you can only make costumes if you have the PC version, sorry" yeah ok mine was more "ridiculous"
2. lol i know my jokes are bad you told me that three times already but did you really feel the need to answer seriously to a joke post that wasn't even "attacking" you
3. lol ok you clearly aren't the type of people i'm going to enjoy talking with, please remove the staff in your butt and/or age a little and then you can try speaking to me again
The way you phased your third point is ironic since saying people should remove items from their butt and telling them to age before speaking to you again makes yourself look very immature and as if you have something up your butt as well.
The fact that you're arguing with a fifteen year old really contradicts you're point about age. Just saying.
Thanks Meta. ♥
Sue Sockymodo
Sue Sockymodo
hiino calm down
The fact you started the discussion, BhadRebelle really makes you even more in-mature than your fifteen year old pride.