Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

what does Tp stand for in Tpcool?
Not a dumb question at all. Thomas Polese (my name) Cool. I think it was a name my Dad gave my when I was little, it just kinda stuck.
That's really neat.
I though it stood for Twilight Princess. (Zelda Game)
Oh well.


You know, your a really nice guy on the forums. Are you working on a mod?
Believe it or not, I'm not a Zelda fan at all. I've only beaten the original and played OoT, The Adventure of Link, and Minish Cap to a small extent. Never touched Twilight Princess. Oh and thanks, I know there are some meanies on the forums so I probably look nice by comparison. Or maybe I am nice. Either way, thank you. And yeah I've been working on a mod since late 2011. It's been a rough journey, but I really hope to release a spectacular demo sometime in the future. <a href='' class='bbc_url' title=''>http://www.cavestory...-cave/?p=122686</a>
I *was* a Zelda Fan. But with the disappointing release of Skyward Sword with your partner telling you EVERYTHING. I got fed up with it, and most of it became same-old stuff. (with the exception of a Link To The Past and Zelda II) The only reason I have this user-name is because I had it before on a different Board before I found Cave Story... and now my name means more to me then just an item in Zelda.

I looked at the thread, I'll didn't get to watch the video, but I most likely will tomorrow. (It looks a lot like Zelda II to me)
Not much reason to watch the video unless you're really curious, but it's only five minutes so I guess it's not too bad. Anything essential that happened in the game will definitely be explained in the mod, so don't worry about missing any kind of story or anything, lol. The game itself is... kinda like Zelda II, maybe? It's nothing more than a puzzle-platformer, there aren't any RPG elements or anything of the sort.
I will most definitely try the demo whenever you release it.

btw, my userpic is _________ (fill in the blank)