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I'm an apprentice modder now!

Ok ok so here's what happened:

A while ago I somehow killed my original copy of Cave Story, so I downloaded the Deluxe edition this time. Although there were some interesting things there, the most interesting was Booster's Lab.

When I finally got the Java going, I opened it up...and was met with a Kitty and lots of empty space.

Disturbed, but determined to do <em class='bbc'>something,</em> I went to File and Load. However, like an idiot I went to the data folder and loaded Start directly.

It...didn't go over well. I was met with scary error messages and creepiness all over. I NYA'd and ran away.

Insert a week here...

I burn through all of the help files in little more than half an hour, and find that this "Modding" stuff doesn't look too hard after all. could I use Booster's Lab to even do anything?...
Today, I once again opened up Booster's Lab, nervous. Hoping something would work this time, I go to Load...but this time, I get the bright idea of clicking on Doukutsu instead.

Hallelujah! A beautiful list of stages await me.

Enthralled, I look around the maps a bit, before settling in Start. I flick around the switches and see an entity at the bottom right, and after some more fumbling I open script.

Event 1000...and it was unused! Perfect! After careful scrutiny of the help pages and examples from other stages, I manage to hobble together a message. I start up Cave Story and check the spot...but egads! Quote does not interact!

I was sure I had saved, so I headed back to the Lab to see what I had done wrong. I had forgotten a <END, so I added that and tried again. No dice. Then I figure that Quote needed some sort of thing to interact with, right?

I go though the entity list and find "sleeping puppy". Figuring that would do, I left the thing on event 1000's square.

I boot up the game, but alas! There is now a little zzz graphic, but no dog. And Quote still won't mingle...
Annoyed now, I change it to Debug Cat and try yet again...

Oh, cool! Pixel the Cat is waiting for me...but she's strangely tall and thin, and worse, won't talk to Quote!

So I guess she turned into Slenderman. Anyway, I open Booster's Lab again and check the entity...and notice a scroll bar I hadn't seen.

Among the list of options is...Interactable! I joyfully turn it on and try again.

A miracle in First Cave! Pixel is now normal size and spouts the lines I gave her! I happily go back and fix the minor error or two I had made.

Then I go to Shelter and edit the intro text too, but only half-finish before I lose access to the computer. Still, I'm so very happy - I've done some Modding without breaking the game!

Ooh, and I'm going to make a test room too, so that I can learn what all the stuff does hands-on! I'm so happehhhhhh. :3
Hey, good job! It seems like if anybody stays here long enough they'll get involved modding, even if it isn't that big. If you need any help whatsoever, even if you think it's stupid, don't hesitate to ask me or others.
I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Thank you! :3

<strong class='bbc'>THE MODDING SAGA CONTINUES:</strong>
Today I finished the modded intro text, and I also made it so the door in Start Point would simply return a "Nwop. It's locked, silly." message when interacted with.

Debug kitteh also gives a Nemesis and a Spur now, just for fun, and now she <TRAnsports you to the clock room, which I'm remodeling to my tastes.

And that one chest got all of its events removed and replaced with...a Jukebox! A slightly limited jukebox, but hey, I'm a beginner and it's just a test of Yes/No questions and <CMU anywho.

I also had to figure out adding events. After a while spent frittering over the possibility of accidentally creating an event that was already in use, I decided to use 5000-5003. Thankfully, that worked.

What didn't work was the music. Because I couldn't find a list of music values, I just went with OrgView's order. Obviously, they were all messed up. I'll figure out the values later, don't worry. I'm making fairly good progress so far!
I should learn to mod so I can have little shits and giggles like this
Oh, it's not so bad if you're not a spaz like me. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

Booster's Lab is very useful and user-friendly in my experience, and there are literally dozens of Modding guides scattered around. So basically:read, read, read! And I'm very good at reading. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

I'm not trying to make a mod, really<span style='font-size: 8px'><del class='bbc'>or am I</del></span>, but I do like practicing new things...and I figure I need to climb out of my shell just a bit.
Have you tried out Cave Editor at all? I'm not necessarily saying you SHOULD, but it might be worth a try if you don't like something about BL. You seem to be doing fine with it though, that's wonderful! Also, I'm not sure if you're aware of this TSC help list, but if you're not, here: <a href='' class='bbc_url' title=''>http://www.cavestory...ides/tsc_r2.txt</a>
I always keep that open when I'm modding, it's very nice.
Hm...I might try that Cave Editor thingie sometime. Booster's Lab pretty much has me covered at the moment, but it's always good to try new things. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
...even if those things scare me with their blank, empty white boxes <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/muscledoc.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':muscledoc:' />

And in fact, I found that tsc guide earlier on today! I had to find it to figure out the music codes...^_^;
Nevertheless, thank you kindly <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />


<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/chin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':chin:' /><strong class='bbc'>PROGRESS REPORT</strong><img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/chin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':chin:' />

I made a lot of stuff today! I replaced the music code in the Jukebox, and after testing, I found that it worked perfectly! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

The Jukebox offers Gestation, Pulse, Moonsong, Balcony, Toroko's Theme and White using Yes/No. If you say no to all choices, you get the music turned off instead.

I originally had comments if you said yes to Toroko's Theme or White, while the other tracks started instantly. I eventually added comments to all of them, while adding <NODs and correcting spaces, you know the drill. I'm proud of my little creation ^w^

I also generally mucked around with the Clock map, though it really isn't TOO different. The exit to Outer Wall now gives you a comment about Invisible Walls - and, in my first use of skipflags, checking it again talks about an angry Cat Spirit out there. Later I'll add the option to leave...only to be met with a horde of angry monsters and a chance to turn back. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/pignon.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':pignon:' />

I added another gate in the upper left, too! This one was made to go to the third map in my odd little adventure, e - balcony(or whatever it's called), which houses Misery. I also made sure to delete the <CMU in the map so that the music you select on the Jukebox keeps playing. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />

Misery had an unused event again! Oh, how I love those. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
Misery was also my first practice with facepics. Adding <FAC and text to event 200 proved enjoyable and rewarding - I really liked the text I added to Misery ^.^
Additionally, I got more practice with skipflags, which is good.

I think later I'm going to add a bridge to the left to try to figure out area transitions. Overall, I did well today! I'm proud. ~^_^~
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/debug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':debug:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/chin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':chin:' /><strong class='bbc'>EPIC PROGRESS REPORT 2:ELECTRIC BOOGALOO</strong><img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/chin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':chin:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/debug.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':debug:' />

I didn't say anything yesterday due to laziness and constraints, though I really wanted to.

Anyway, I've made a whole ton of stuff. I'm not really sure where to begin, so I'll stuff it all into a cute little list format!

★I messed around with mapdata to change some names and change all the Fog backgrounds to Moon ones. e - balcony is now Balcony? (Original, I know. I may change it later.)
★I made that bridge I was talking about! With white blocks and occasional big ones and litter for variety. Underneath the bridge is endless pillars that supposedly would support, while some of them are broken or cracked for, again, variety.
★H/V triggers were a bit difficult to start using at first, but eventually I got a workable version.

I say "workable" because there are some off things with some of the H/V triggers I made. I'll have to see if I can make them more professional later, but for now they seem to work.
★Anyway, the bridge goes to Balcony 1, at the very upper right below the fluff layer. I basically destroyed a lot of the map, and then continued adding to the bridge. The transition is pretty good, so I'm happy about that <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
...actually, it just occurred to me that, logically, there shouldn't be any clouds. Note to self:take them out.

Or just make the bridge go upwards, I dunno.
★I named Balcony 1 "Silence Bridge." Mostly I was inspired by Road to Nowhere from Crash Bandicoot.

At first I was a little frustrated because the bridge is high in the air, and the bottom of balcony still existed. Because there were occasional holes in the bridge, I wanted to make a "You were never seen again" event. However, when I made an H/V trigger that ran the event, the camera would follow Quote, and we'd get to see the ugly ends of the pillars and Quote simply disappearing. Yucky.

I needed to make the camera stop when the event triggered...but how?...
(Continued down there V)
(Continued from up there ^)

At first I tried using <FON and set the H/V trigger itself as the NPC. But when I pushed poor Quote down the chasm to test this, the screen rapidly shook and stuff. Yes, it didn't let the camera scroll. No, in retrospect I probably didn't add a <PRI. >_<

But that doesn't matter, because after a while longer of annoyance, I came upon a glorious and oddly simple solution:
) resized the map to a height of 27, and bam. All those problems solved! :3
★Near the middle of the bridge is a small gap surrounded by a sign, a save floppy, and another Jukebox. The purpose here is to have two choices - fall down the gap, or continue on Silence Bridge and reach the other side. So far, they both have H/V triggers to Balcony 2. The intent is to split Balcony 2 into 2 sides: right if you continue on Silence Bridge, left for if you go down the chasm. Balcony 2 in general is a bridge to the more interesting areas the two paths lead to. The right side will use the same transition trick as Silence Bridge to get the player to a cliff, which leads downwards to an opening in the wall of Outside. The left side will simply have you fall a lot, reaching another area.
★Later on, I made a large rocky mountain in the background below the gap, supporting the bridge and some of the pillars. It took a while, adding all those tiles...@_@

On the left side of the mountain is a small foreground rock cliff you can reach if you jump down the gap the right way. On the little cliff, there is Pixel the Cat again, and a small hole.

For some reason, I couldn't quite get Pixel to work today. Instead of using the events I gave her, she started on one of the Jukebox events(Balcony?No?<YNJ). This really frustrated me today, because I couldn't find the cause and changing events didn't help. Eventually I just deleted and re-added Pixel, and suddenly she was sane again! Sunshine and Rainbows. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/grin2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
(V More V)
(^ Continued ^)

★Pixel greets you, makes a reference, and takes your Nemesis. In return, she'll give you the Booster 2.0. W00t!

I mostly made this sequence to test item/weapon pictures, obtaining items, equipping them, removing weapons, sound effects, more <WAI practice, and adding fanfares/restoring music.

So, a whole lotta stuff. O_o

Thankfully, everything went better than expected! The only real problem was that I forgot to add the < WAI on the fanfare, so I'll add that later. Another problem:when I tested the equipped booster, it was 0.8. Huh?

It turns out the codes in <EQ+ are different. Durr. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':p' />
Needless to say, fix'd. Oh, and I also used flags during the Debug Cat sequence, nothing too difficult.
★Right now, the hole leads to the Egg Corridor side room. I'll change this later.
★Oh! Almost forgot. It is now possible to leave for Outer Wall...but you will find General Cat and the Hoppy Army. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/awesome3.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':awesomeface:' />
That fight is a liiittle hard to finish with 3hp.
★I'm thinking of adding even more to Misery's dialogue...I'd love to see just how complex I can make these conversations.

Expect to see a release of this in upcoming weeks. I really want to share this thing once I've had enough practice :3
Until then, I'll keep making Progress Reports when I can! Bye!