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Cave Story Tribute Site Forums

A Kingdom Hearts mod is a genius idea! I seriously love it. It would be a lot of work though. I kind of know about Gravity Falls, but I've never seen any of it myself.
Thanks, all is planned to start work on this upcoming weekend. But possibly, can you help me with sprites? Like make a KH1 Sora sprite over the Quote sprite. If you can't, then thanks anyways for the support. If you can and did, post it on my mod forum so I can grab it easily.
Will it be in standard res which would be 16x16, or will you be using a double res mod, making it 32x32? I believe there is a double res mod (or whatever you'd call it), but I know nothing about it. I don't even know who made it.

Just let me know if it will be 16x16 or 32x32 and I will try to sprite a KH1 Sora, but no promises. My pixel art skills are quite rusty.
I believe normal res like in the freeware default version. By default, I mean un-modded.
16x16 I think.........? I honestly don't know about how to work a double resolution hack.
Ok, sounds good. That will be easier for me. I'll try to have something for you in a day or two. ^_^
Here is my start:
<a href='http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/3079/charsorav010.png' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://img805.images...harsorav010.png</a>

There really isn't much I can do to give contrast between the legs and shoes, because the skin color and yellow blend together too well.
I was wondering, how are you going to do fighting with the key blade? I'm really not sure how to sprite that. Will he hold it in his hand all the time or will it only appear when he attacks? And, if he holds it, which hand should he hold it in? I really do need some more info to get this done properly.

Let me know what you think and if you want it to be different somehow.
I like what you've done so far, and about the weapon. Remember the sword weapon that King gives you? For the time being edit the weapon shot to make it look like he is using the blade as a boomerang that does not come back. For what the sheet you should edit, look at ArmsImage, Bullet, Caret, and Arms. If the blade turns out to be a gun on Arms, then do your best to squeeze the keyblade on. If it does seem even possible, then make him hold it and we'll fix the problem of "he throws the blade yet it's still in his hand problem later on."
More about the character, I love it, and the weapon, if it needs to be on his actual sprite, paste it on the mimiga mask sprite so when there are parts he doesn't have a weapon, he isn't holding the keyblade.
Got it, I'll see what I can do.
Oh! Yeah, totally forgot this, considering it be a pain to make more blades for Sora, the other weapons will be magic, like the gun give to you by Santa looks like fire so it will be fire magic. And the bubbline, that would be bizzard. Give me a idea of what the others should be. Also, I know it be like impossibe for a cure gun, but I had the idea of assembly hacks, which it tells how to make a weapon like that. So you just recommend what weapon will be what magic. Also, if you don't want to, I'll make sprites for magic. Anyway, you're helping me a lot as it is.
I really can't allow myself to get involved too much in your project. Even though I would like to help out more, there are two things that are preventing me from doing so:
The first is that I don't know if you will be able to complete the mod, and it's a bit disheartening when you put a lot of work into helping with something that doesn't make it. I do hope you are able to pull it off, it's just that I don't know, and I've had people ask me for stuff in the past and I helped but their projects died, so I've lost a bit of faith in people. Nothing personal at all. I hope you understand.
The second thing is that I am really busy with my own projects and I have a life with a lot of responsibility, mainly because I'm 25 and I have a lot of bills and things to take care of. It just hasn't been the same ever since I turned 18. I can't fool around nearly as much as I used to with fan-related projects, since I can't make money from that kind of thing.

So I'll probably just be finishing up Sora and adding the keyblade in for the blade attacks. Except I don't know what to do for the level 3 blade.
Don't worry, I totally understand. I'm only 13 and I already feel like I'm losing my life to school and mass amounts of homework. And I trying to make sure this doesn't die at all. I'm going to quit my previous mod for this one. I would continue that one but it need amounts of work and I'd rather start from scratch. So this is my main mod and I'm going to stick with it. Like you said, something keeps us back from it, right now for me, school. Not that I'm failing but, the school expects a lot from my grade alone, they claim that the big state test at the end will determine were we are in High school. It would be 8th that decides, but the scores of this test take forever to come out, so 8th grade is more like a in-between for us.
The blade level are all the same keyblades, I don't know how they can differ and it be easier that way. Another thing holding me back, finding a computer to mod Cave Story. I have more computers but they are either to slow or Macs that don't have the right software to run it. The Mac that I use to get here has the software but its glitchy. Project is starting on Saturday, today is just normal preparations for what I'm doing with this mod.
Found a computer, a mac that can run the program with a windows emulator of some kind.
<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'><p>The blade level are all the same keyblades, I don't know how they can differ and it be easier that way.</p></blockquote>What I meant is that the level 1 and 2 have spinning blades, but the third acts quite differently, with no spinning blade, but a phantasmal King that shoots out and makes a bunch of those slash sprites. I've decided that I'll just have Sora throw the key out and the key will make all the slashes, it just won't spin. That's the only solution I can think of. If you think of something different, let me know. Also, here is Sora, completed:

<span rel='lightbox'><span rel='lightbox'><img class='bbc_img' src='http://img839.imageshack.us/img839/9568/charsorav100.png' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></span></span>

I added in that last row (far right) because I wasn't sure if you'd need them or not for those special sprites. I only know for sure the sitting one is used at the end, and I wasn't sure if you'd want him to have a key in hand or not, so I just made all possibilities for you so you can simply move the sprites or delete ones you don't want.

If you like all the sprites as is, I'll give you the sprite sheet in normal size (that is double sized for viewing) with the normal black background color. The rest will be up to you, as far as converting it to make it so the game can use it, because I'm not sure how that works.
Btw, I hope you know that I did my best, but yellow is a real hard color to work with, so I can't really make it pop out much more.

Also, I'll get to work on the keyblade weapon sprites now.
I love it, thanks, I saw Pixel Art first and got the sprite sheet there. But anyways, thanks, since I found a computer compatible with both Cave Editor and Cave Story itself, I plan on starting on this upcoming weekend, like I said, school is annoying, I have quizzes, tests, and mid-terms coming up, so I only have time on weekends at this point. But I'll look at where I can use the sitting sprite and the rest is great. Tonight just because, I'll add in the sprite sheet to my mod base.