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  • Hola, como estas? Yo sigo aprendiendo Español...Tengo una pregunta sobre la expresión "irse a pique". In Spanish why "irse a pique" instead of "irse al pique"? En Español a+el=al. For example: irse + a+ el garete= irse al garete. Then why: irse+a+el pique= irse a pique - Why not "irse al pique" like in the previous example ¨"irse al garete"? Best wishes, trickybilly
    Hola mi compañero! To be honest, you got me there. That's one of the things that my teachers never really expanded on as far as I can remember. Best Regards, Omega.
    Saw your comment on your "Cavestory with lyrics" about not being able to add youtube tags. I can't do it by using the button, but it can be typed manually by using this (hopefully it doesn't work in here, or it will show the youtube video..?) <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1emSWVcSu8s"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1emSWVcSu8s" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
    ah, it did... okay so use {youtube}1emSWVcSu8s{/youtube}, but use brackets like these "[]" instead of these "{}". Pretty sure you follow.
    Anyway, I'm not sure if there are other complications when posting from a mobile device, as I noticed you had a mobile link, but it should be the same. You simply post the part after the "watch?v=", which is usually just a bunch of numbers and/or letters.
    Looks like the Kanpachis are going to be pretty competitive this year for best unexpected return. Also, nice join date you've got there.
    Well i would not exactly say unexpected, as this the second time ive come back. although the kanpachi for most naive might be in my grasp. Also, im glad to see another sonic fan joining these forums.
    I might be able to get a kanpachi for being so obsessed with this board (i almost always have a device with this board loaded and refresh almost every 5 to 10 minutes, no joke). And sorry for double posting.
    Please come back Marxmega!! Oh, I need some form of contact before the first sentence would even make sense, huh...
    Tpcool, i came back. So how are things going?
    Woohoo! Things are going great now that you have returned. Try not to leave for that long again, eh?
    Busco videojuegos freeware y legales para descargar en Español...He encontrado solo uno (se llama Hero Core)...¿Quizá sepas algunos?
    I would like to ask a question,
    what is the difference between
    A) habría sabido
    B) hubiera sabido
    Can I use them both in an "IF-sentence" (Si), like:
    Si habría sabido...
    Si hubiera sabido...
    and if yes, what is the difference?
    Lunar still visits, I think. Just not as often as he used to. Glad you're back, though.
    ?Cómo estás? Estos días no tengo mucho tiempo para hablar contigo, pero sigo aprendiendo. Escucho música en Español a veces muchas horas para aprender. Quizá intente unirme a un foro Español también. ?Puedes recommendar uno? Estoy bastante cansado ahora, necessito dormir. Hasta luego.

    Saludos, trickybilly
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