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  • Oops. That message was supposed to go to malpercio. My bad.

    As for the layout, that's what would make sense to me. I always did think that the hack/mod forum was a subset of the hack/mod showcase. However, as just a mod I don't have the power to actually change it myself. I can, though, ask DT or andwhy. The layout is kind of weird, mostly because it's made on the basis of 'because it's always been that way'.

    Chrome's nice. Goes much faster, which is always nice. I guess I can eventually get used to the little differences, it basically works the same.
    You might be pleased to know that I'm giving Chrome another shot. Firefox has been particularly bloated lately and I often had to manually end firefox.exe via task manager D:
    Ah, so you're thinking it would actually have a storyline and stuff? In that case, the goal lights are probably not the best idea (I was thinking it would just be a series of unrelated levels).

    Yes, linear algebra. I'm also required to take discrete math, but I'm hoping I can test out of that, since I already know all that stuff. There's also calculus 3, 4, and 5 (multi-variable/vector calculus) which aren't required for my major, but I might take anyway, 'cause I'm geeky like that.

    And wha's this about timer?

    edit: oh you were talking about the change from 60 to 45 seconds? yes, that's very nice :D
    I'm glad you like it :]
    It certainly has a lot of interesting possibilities.
    And, you can thank Doublethink for the timer. He changed it when he got adminship.
    So in math class today, when I was supposed to be listening/taking notes, I was instead thinking about your water thingy, and how the player might actually play the game. I was thinking that the player would interface with the game primarily through switches that you switch on and off by clicking. Outputs from these switches would go through wires and digital logic gates on the gameboard which would eventually end up determining whether or not certain devices are active. Some of these devices might be: fans that blow the water around, walls that extend/retract depending on whether or not they are active, and goal lights that you need to light up in order to beat the level. The player might also have limited control over various physical characteristics of the environment, such as strength/direction of gravity, air resistance, and water elasticity (affects the velocity of water particles when they bounce off walls). Of course, in order for the game to have any point, the water would have to have some input into the circuit board as well, otherwise you could just find the right combination of switches to activate all the goal lights. Perhaps there could be buttons that the water could press or lasers that detect whether or not the water is crossing the beam of light.


    Also, what is prop 2?
    Well, I guess just try coding it and see what happens.

    My list:

    1. go to a random user's profile
    2. add the user to the list
    3. find the first post on the user's profile by someone not already on the list (stop if there is none)
    4. go to the profile of the person who made the post you found in step 3
    5. go back to step 2
    6. Use correct capitalization and full stops.
    In the middle of very interesting research
    Trying to manually link PxTone.dll to Cave Story.
    So each one's output connects to any number of others' inputs?
    Can connections break/form, and if so, how?
    Can one connect to oneself?
    Are the three inputs symmetric or ordered? (in other words, does it matter what order they're in?)
    What controls the movement of the particles?

    Idk if it's plausible to have a HUGE number of thingies, as it might make the game lag ('specially if you use something shitty like Game Maker X_x). Just about how many were you thinking of using? If I had to guess, I'd say 1000 should be doable, but probably not much more than that.

    Hopefully there would be some emergent behavior that would be somewhat obvious to the player so they wouldn't have to think microscopically. Was there some specific emergent behavior you were aiming for that made you choose this setup, or are you just kind of picking some setup pseudo-randomly and hoping for the best?
    It's a reference to something else that happened in the IRC conversation quoted in my sig. Gir made a rule that you're not allowed to start a comment with ">implying" so I kept doing it to be ironic.
    Hmmm... I've thought of something like that in times when I was getting pissed at SP/DT/andwhy/Skye for whatever reason, only in a simpler form where instead of making rules, you just make actions like rename thread, ban member, delete post, etc.
    Quite well. Wedge just whacked me up with some new music, and Noxid is a progress machine. D:
    I feel lazy now. x.x
    Come to think of it, with Carrotlord's Doukutsu Assembler, I'm going to need a lot less NOPs from now on.
    Idunno man, I'm not much of a drawist. It looks pretty good to me, I guess the only thing I can think of is adding more small details - red in the corner of the eye, that sort of thing.
    Basically what I did was put the savefile name in where the old Map Data was, and then when the cursor is moved change the number byte of prof1.dat to a 1, 2 or 3. After that, I load the game to display some information about the file.

    Well, I look forward to seeing ya some more :]
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