Recent content by Zephro

  1. Z

    The Mother of All Cave Story Questions

    Final Fantasy 6(j) had robots. And magic. It's called Magitech.
  2. Z

    The eye door

    When I first played it, I died not to the spikes, but to the bats... I thought that my HP would refill after I grabbed the Heart Cont-- I mean Health Capsule... >.> When I got the gun I broke my X key.
  3. Z

    Cave Story FanArt

    And influencing them to corrupt more.
  4. Z

    Starting a Sue's Workshop clone

    Why not just call it "Open Sourceware"or "Open Freeware"? >.> It's a pseudo portmanteau of the terms "Open Source" and "Freeware".
  5. Z

    Problem getting past the undead core.

    8mins is pretty good for a first-time time. I personally got 8'02 for my 1st completion(And that was using the shortcut via invincibility). I hate how you gotta wait in his 3rd form for him to get to the top and center before he does his LONG AS HECK transition.
  6. Z

    Problem getting past the undead core.

    It was due to the way he displays his files in his folders. He hides his file extensions by default so windows was reading the Profile.dat file's name as "Profile.dat.dat". It's a default setting by windows and it can be annoying at times.
  7. Z

    Cave Story Officially RELEASED for WiiWare

    Looks like SP got tired of the Cosmo avvy. :)
  8. Z

    Two piano Cave Story medley

    Finale is a wonderful program unless you forget how to use it like a certain avatarless person around here *shifty eyes* I was able to edit the tempo from the start and any measure from then on by using the tempo tool... only problem is, I forgot where it was xD
  9. Z

    Two piano Cave Story medley

    Finale can open .Midi files and convert them into a music sheet for ya.
  10. Z

    [MA Winner] <(Schism)> - Demo 1.0

    More content means more witty dialogue from the mind of this "Xaser" fellow!
  11. Z

    Custom .ORG crash mystery solved!

    Yeah.. I'm kinda confused by what I said when I read it now but I get the gist of it... Since the instruments are .pxt files, I was thinking that you would have to create a new .pxt file for the new instrument, but then have to edit the .exe to interpet the new .pxt file as another instrument...
  12. Z

    Custom .ORG crash mystery solved!

    My guess in how to fix it would be to attempt to add a new .pxt file for the new instrument you want and edit the .exe to be able to understand it somehow. Sadly I don't know how to do this since the only programming language I know is TruBASIC since thats the only class they ahd at my school...
  13. Z

    Cave Story as seen by 8 year olds

    I'm the only person in my school that plays Cavestory that actually got to the chest... but my curiosity got the better of me :eek: Curiosity did kill this cat.
  14. Z

    Cave Story as seen by 8 year olds

    I found it fun because of the numerous deaths one could get in a single screen.
  15. Z

    Cave Story as seen by 8 year olds

    They aren't apples, they're oversized fruit from Pac-Man!(Aka Cherries)