Recent content by Timhotep

  1. T

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Well, that makes sense, but it only overlayed the polar star sound on top of the bubbler sound. :o Maybe I did something wrong....?
  2. T

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I know next to nothing, and assembly confuses me to no end. But, I figure that the best way I can learn is through example. I'm not planning on making anything major, like new weapons, so I don't think I need extensive knowledge.
  3. T

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    1:Would I be able to make it so that Quote's weapon is on top of him instead of behind him when he looks right, and behind him when he looks left? 2:I want to make the sounds that the bubbler makes when fired change to the "fireball fired" sound. How exactly would I do these?
  4. T

    Is there a way to have TWO Mimiga Mask-type items?

    Thanks! I would only need to copy/modify one anyway. Specifically, the Kazuma typing one. If I were to add a new costume, I'd need to give it its own sprites within MyChar and its own framerects, right?
  5. T

    Is there a way to have TWO Mimiga Mask-type items?

    Like, if I wanted multiple alternate costumes, could I do that? I would also like to know if it is possible to ADD entities into the game.