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  • About that system of upgrading weapons, I'd like to hear more about it. I'm trying to get into ASM as quickly as possible, and I've been arguing with myself on how to make my weapons. I've got a few ideas, but if you have a neat idea I'd like to hear it.
    ^^ If you want ideas on what to make the weapons look like I have no clue. Now a system of weapon upgrades/ideas is an entirely different story. I was thinking that at the cockroach that gives you the snake (or the man at the beginning.) will have upgrades available for your guns at certain points in the game. I'm not exactly sure what you would make the currency for this though. (perhaps hidden challenge levels on which you can get a beast fang to trade it...? Either that or just make certain upgrades available depending on how far you are and what paths you have taken.):/ Anyways I was thinking the upgrades could just slightly change the strength of your weapon/way it works. So say one upgrade increases fire rate but reduces damage. (with some changed looks of course) A more advanced concept (the one I would really like to see in game but probably won't happen due to the fact that you would have to add your own features to the game) is status affects/making a weapon more powerful against certain enemies. This is pretty much self explanatory. (Like make a poison status where it gradually hurts the enemy or say the fireball is good against bugs but weaker against water type enemies.) If you have any questions just pm me. ^^ If you want me to go more into detail on other ideas/say more of the ones I have just say the word. (although any other ideas are just ones I discarded... Not really stuff worth going through the trouble for.) I know plenty of these are basic but I feel they would attract a lot of attention if corporated into a mod.
    Also if you need a weapon idea I always thought a sniper type weapon would be nice. Fires extremely slow but with high damage... Not sure how you could make that work though. :/ (Have a stranger be like "OH I CAN FIX UR POLAR STAR" and have him break it to do that?)
    Maybe a flamethrower? I know that sounds really stupid but think- if you gave a weapon a short distance, an extremely high fire rate, lower damage, and allow tons of bullets on screen a certain design could pull off the fire type look.
    ...Exploding swords upgrade? Combine the nemesis and sword together with an added side quest or something? owo
    Yeah, definitely some neat ideas. Surprisingly, many of these ideas were already floating around in my head in one way or another. Currency definitely was, but the more I think about it the less it makes sense to include it. My solution will most likely to have side-quests with good weapon-related rewards. I don't like the idea of having some area of a weapon increased in ability while another is decreased, kinda defeats the purpose of the upgrade. If adding new guns from scratch from ASM is an easy sort of thing to do, this upgrade feature sounds fun to implement.
    Now, the status effects. Certainly sounds like more of a challenge, but I have an idea of sorts. Poison, for example. You know how when you hit an enemy with the Blade Level 3 the attack kind of latches on to the enemy and does damage before disappearing? Maybe something similar could work if implemented properly. As a big Mega Man fan, the idea of an enemy having a sort of weakness weapon has always appealed to me. I'm not sure at all how easy that would be to implement, though.
    Some of those ideas for weapons you've listed have already been done nicely by forum member Randolf. I think he's made a sniper before, and he has made a really cool flamethrower weapon. He's your guy when it comes to kick-ass weapons.
    But yeah thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to see how hard some of these ideas are to implement, but if all goes well something'll have to work.
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