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Recent content by StormRaiser245

  1. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    Alright. Also nevermind my last post. I just figured out what I needed to do, to make the Fourth Ending mod work on Cave Story+. Too bad there is no Workshop for it though as it would make things easier and faster. I also noticed that it is not possible to change graphics on Challenge mode...
  2. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    Hey, is there any possible way to upload this mod into Steam's Cave Story+?
  3. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    Oh now I got it. Thankies c: But now I have found few flaws currently: - I can't save the game in Cave Story+ because when I try to start the game, I cannot do that because it is considered as "challenge" and not "normal gameplay" kind of thing. So if you die once, you'll have to start all...
  4. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    I tried but I cannot sadly do that. Here is how things happened in my end: After I found the cave Story+.exe folder (I use Steam one) and verified it, I was able to get access to all Plus Porter tools. Next I was told to find the "port." This is very tricky because I tried to search some...
  5. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    Hello there again. I now own Cave Story+. I am glad to say that you can pick from options the "original" graphics and music. I can now play Cave Story on full screen which is great! But I am a little confused: How I can download the 4th ending to it? Do I need to copy and paste the "4endings"...
  6. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    Well if we think about the "best ending" I suppose that's possible... I mean: After all they helped Mimigas to defeat the Doctor and now that he is dead with Ballos, the island should have no longer aggressive beings... I mean: At least I think that "enemies" that were in island were mostly...
  7. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    Yeah I agree about remixes. And yes... I haven't yet played Cave Story through with Ending 4 requirements... But I am 100% sure that Ending 4 will give the true reward I have been searching for when playing and completing Hell. I really love to see that everyone is alive in that ending...
  8. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    Yeah I agree lol :D it truly was most intense, hardest and wonderful experience to play through a Hell. Also think about it: If you succeed on winning Hell and release Ballos from his long torturing pain, you will be rewarded with the "best ending" and huge pride of succeeding... I mean: You...
  9. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    *Ah I see. Well personally I like Snake the most so yah. **Ah okays I'll remember that. ***Oh okays. I thought it had lol. ****Maybe it isn't. I was just being curious because basically Misery didn't told the truth towards the others but... Well as they say: "Some things are best to remain...
  10. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    *Yeah sadly Spur isn't for me. But when I tried with Snake... Oh my gosh: I dealt great ammount of damage (against bosses as well) and it made killing Hell's Messengers so much easier because I could shoot through walls. Also: People warned that Snake isn't very good choice as it will drop to...
  11. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    In the other hand though... I have seen that having at least one weapon that won't drop to lvl1 after entering certain areas, I think it would be better to have Spur. I am not sure yet. Before I'll start completing "truly" your mod, I am aiming to do either ending 2 or 3. Why? Well... I'll have...
  12. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    I am aware of those things, but Spur doesn't suit my playstyle. I like to "constantly" press fire button to shoot many ammo's. I just don't have time to charge Spur's beam when there are constantly Hell's Messengers and/or Ballos constantly attacking me. I at least just can't concentrate both...
  13. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    I sadly couldn't get pass through "hell" level because Hell Messengers and others just does simply too much damage and I always end up to face Ballos with 20 HP left and get insta killed when he transforms to his second form. I guess I'll never complete the game for real but that was as far as I...
  14. S

    Unable to run CS in fullscreen?

    I have exactly the same problem. I also have 1920 X 1080 screen, but I haven't been able to find Pixel settings anywhere. All help would be appreciated.
  15. S

    Cave Story with a fourth ending

    *Ah its okay. It could be because I broke the tile and then walked to Curley. Well nonetheless: This bug is quite interesting but I think I understand how it works so I don't mind whichever way I'd proceed with this so its no "major bug" or anything like that. Only minor as this sequence is...