Recent content by Spenĉjo

  1. S

    Esperanto mojibake & CS+ font editing

    As long as <> and {} are not used in the game and they don't mess with the code if I use them, that would work, yes. :) But I'd make it: q=ĉ w=ŭ x=ŝ y=ĝ <=ĵ {=ĥ ŭ is basically a w sound, and ĉ and ŝ correspond to q and x in Chinese pinyin. For the other three, ĝ is common, ĵ is uncommon, and ĥ...
  2. S

    Esperanto mojibake & CS+ font editing

    That is the problem. ANSI doesn't support the characters I need. ĉ ĝ ĥ ĵ ŝ ŭ are not used in any language marketable enough for Windows to make a code page for them. I'm pretty sure my computer uses Windows-1252, btw.
  3. S

    Esperanto mojibake & CS+ font editing

    I tried taking a look at the Russian one, but Russian texts look like this when I run it: So it looks like languages rely on Windows' setting for non-unicode characters. Which I should have known, because Japanese does this too. I forgot about that. This is a bit of a problem, because...
  4. S

    Esperanto mojibake & CS+ font editing

    Aha, I see. I was actually a little surprised to get this problem, because I've browsed through other threads about translation, and there wan't any mention of this problem there. I get this for French, because its characters are supported in ANSI, but Polish should be having the same problem...
  5. S

    Esperanto mojibake & CS+ font editing

    I'm considering making an Esperanto translation of Cave Story, and I have been testing some stuff to see if I will be able to make it work. The main problem right now is Esperanto letters. Courier New supports them, but when I try to use them in-game, I get mojibake like this: those first...