Recent content by Softmints

  1. Softmints

    [Softmints] Corridor

    Necrobump. Necrouser. Necromod. I was just passing through, when I found an ancient PM from Xaser (2007). He made a mod of Corridor which lets players jump to any corridor they please. I decided I'd add this to the main post and let people know, and also thank Xaser for his efforts. It's...
  2. Softmints

    So I restarted a hack...

    Ambitious stuff, I wish you the best of luck with it.
  3. Softmints

    Mod: Julian's King

    Aww, that's sweet. Here, have the next three stages which aren't polished or anything, but maybe you want to have them anyway just to look/learn/flame. The forum assassins have names, you know. 'Life', 'Exams', and 'Warcraft III' in my case. It would be naive to expect more updates. Oh, hi...
  4. Softmints

    [MA Winner] <(Schism)> - Demo 1.0

    Total awesome, I wish I had the patience to make so many cutscenes and write proper plot, but I can never do it. Great stuff so far, I hope to see more in the future... or the past?
  5. Softmints

    What do you call the place where Ballos was imprisoned?

    Sacred Grounds, specifically the Seal Chamber (Sealed Chamber).
  6. Softmints

    [Softmints] Corridor II

    Ok, I've re-uploaded with a working door. It was just an 0x2000 flag missing.
  7. Softmints

    [Softmints] Corridor II

    Heh heh heh, I'm very satisfied with corridor 1 myself. It's very easy, but you can't take your time with it, which makes it a lot harder. Corridor 2 is just a puzzle one, but it's tricky enough until you figure it out. Thanks for the comments.
  8. Softmints

    [Softmints] Corridor II

    Corridor II was my second attempt at the Corridor series, and it didn't work out. You can have a look if you like, etc. This version features: 2/10 Corridors Download Now!
  9. Softmints


    Three of the Korons could be the ones outside the Throne Room; they were taken just before or after the Doctor acquired the flowers. Also note that the island was not in the process of falling when Curly may have attempted to escape or find Quote. Hell may have been more easily accessible to...
  10. Softmints


    The purpose in destroying the Core is to foil the Doctors plans of using the island as a floating fortress from which to assault the earth. While destroying the Doctor was Quote's initial goal (or the core, either works), he still had to save Sue, and so he continued into the Black Space...
  11. Softmints

    Cave Story Bloopers

    It's ture. As lnog as the fsirt and lsat lreetts are the smae as in the nroaml wrod, it can ulluasy be raed whiuott any dtufflciiy.
  12. Softmints

    Cave Story Bloopers

    An Electroencephalograph is a machine in a hospital which moniters the electric currents produced by the brain. That must be a challenging condition. More comics; yo.
  13. Softmints

    [Softmints] Corridor

    Ok, updated to 1.17. Sorry for being absent, I've been on holidays for a long time.
  14. Softmints

    [Softmints] Corridor

    "hard as hell"? I beg to differ . You'll have to play through all of 15 to see how nasty it really is. It's horrible surprise. Sure, just send it to me and I'll upload it in my folder so that both are accessable from the same place. Oh, entering this corridor should activate flag 9898, the...
  15. Softmints

    so i keep getting this error

    Well, you clearly haven't searched the forums on .pbm editing. I have written a tutorial before, go find it.