Recent content by Pikzilla

  1. P

    The Labyrinth Doctor and the Nurse

    Huh. I always assumed that they were robots. Not sure why, they always just seemed boxy that way. Also, seeing as the game is set in the future, I would assume that futuristic doctors would be robots.
  2. P

    -=The Future=-

    Hey, I just picked up a rather insulting item. Seriously, though: Does getting "the badge" mean I screwed something up?
  3. P

    .org converter

    Thanks, that works!
  4. P

    .org converter

    It's not the ipod I'm looking for; I',m trying to use original .orgs in a game that I'm developing. I already have audacity, but will recording it cause imperfections in the quality?
  5. P

    .org converter

    Hey,I can't find anything to convert .org files. IS there anything to do that?
  6. P


    Hey, is there a tutorial for ORgasm? I found one for ORG maker, but would that be sufficient? Here's the ORG maker one: