Recent content by Mint

  1. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    I'm open to posting the source but I think I really want to fix a million things first and delete the update feature because I believe it's a security hazard. It's not like it's an amazing tool anyway.
  2. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    My past comes back to haunt me. Never expected to actually see potential demand for picking this back up given how terrible it is.
  3. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    Given that I can actually load the pages unlike how Curseforge possibly ip banned me and requires an account I'd say it already is significantly ahead
  4. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    Then I hope you can manage to find things to help distract your mind with, since I do feel like topics like these can snap your mind back into the not so great zones.
  5. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    Jade I'm gonna be honest here rather than just hide behind servers discussing this possibility and I hope you can debunk my admittedly not good thoughts with equally honest answers. And I'm not saying this to make you sound like you're completely "wrong" here because I do genuinely wish the best...
  6. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    Honestly my problem is that either by bad wording or whatever I just get this "I've already done shit but this place sucks, you guys should fix it" vibe and I'm realizing it's causing us to just go in circles with this topic so I wanna try turning it around a little if I can before we go a bad...
  7. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    This is implying everyone is doing CSE2 when freeware is still the recommended starting point for everyone. And yes while it's been poorly documented there's plenty other things that have allowed for cool stuff, from modloader to Autumn's stuff.
  8. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    I didn't want to sound rude (Or discouraging!!!!!) but yeah there's a lot of "you guys should..." "we should..." "someone should..." in this thread but nothing's gonna happen if someone doesn't actually step up and do any of those things or start conversation of working together it's not gonna...
  9. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    Only if it's vanilla with only small tsc edit hacks like <MIM or my <TRA It would certainly be interesting with today's knowledge but I don't know if it would be as much for the people who are more invested with not-freeware these days.
  10. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    That's defenitely no overestimation, if we had nuclear wars over vanilla vs heavy asm back then I fear the concept of freeware vs CSE2 lol.
  11. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    Just so you're aware because it sounds like you're only hearing things through osmosis; I genuinely haven't seen anyone be 'mad' or upset in the modding server, just kinda confused and not taking this too seriously as a result. I firmly agree that Discord servers are shit at actually keeping...
  12. Mint

    How Cave Story affects all global politics.

    Since when are people in a community obliged to spread the word of the game the community centers about or otherwise do something for the developer. It's cool that you or people in your team have been doing things with Pixel but not everyone works in this field or has enough internet relevance...
  13. Mint

    Final Fantasy XIV

    I'm curious to see what other MMOs you are comparing with because MMORPGs are timesinks by design, and a lot of them incentivize you to come back every day/week (not that this one doesn't but it's at a tolerable degree). If you don't like timesinks that's okay but MMORPGs and even large RPGs...
  14. Mint

    Final Fantasy XIV

    Don't forget that MMOs are timesinks by design partially to encourage people staying online and down to do stuff with others. XIV is just one if the ones that suffers from it in particular because the main story is linear and has been expanding for at least 10 years. It's kinda like other long...
  15. Mint

    Final Fantasy XIV

    Just to be clear on this; It's estimated that getting from the start to the game to what currently (while the new expansion isn't out yet) is the main story takes about at least 400 hours of your life and that's not including all the hundreds of distractions along the way or Dawntrail!! Combat...