Recent content by MimigaEmpire159

  1. MimigaEmpire159

    Cave Story 2.0

    (lol I got practically nothing done in my working time but I did put in the Mimiga Statues and put a tiny little white dot on the Polar star that's supposed to be the star.) I also got it on my flash drive and my parents said it was okay for some reason. But hell no I won't question it if...
  2. MimigaEmpire159

    Cave Story 2.0

    um, this is another stupid question, where do I find java?
  3. MimigaEmpire159

    Cave Story 2.0

    Sorry I haven't been online for a few days! I've been playing Zelda: Minish cap on wii u! It works surprisingly well on the tv! Alright! Today's friday, so I'll get to work on it again around 6 pm today Darn it how do I extract a .jar file? I'm using windows 8 Darn it how do I extract a .jar...
  4. MimigaEmpire159

    A New CS Japanese Page From Pixel [Possible CS Development Blog?]

    Oh mah gawd. Is so....beutiful...God bless you Pixel...God bless...
  5. MimigaEmpire159

    Who's played Shovel Knight?

    ...oops...sorry, must have got the wrong info. Either way, though, the soundtrack is wonderful!
  6. MimigaEmpire159

    Cave Story 2.0

    Thanks for all the support guys! I work on this every friday because then I get to visit my grandma, who has the files on her computer. My parents have a grudge against me for accidentally putting a trojan on the laptop. So now I'm not allowed to download anything on their computers, even...
  7. MimigaEmpire159

    Cave Story 2.0

    I'll try out Booster's Lab, it sounds like it would be a big help for events! Thanks! If I can figure out how, I might add different backgrounds like that Touhou mod did. I think I might add a couple extra easters eggs, like maybe a secret image. I WILL FIND A USE FOR THE STATUE SPRITES IN...
  8. MimigaEmpire159

    Who's played Shovel Knight?

    Oh god, I loved this game! I might complain about the length if it wasn't for New Game+ and over 200 FRIGGIN' CHEAT CODES! The soundtrack was made by the same people that did the Mega Man 2 soundtrack, so you know that's good!
  9. MimigaEmpire159

    Possibly undiscovered easter egg in Azarashi

    I might get this game on iphone just to see this.
  10. MimigaEmpire159

    Should Game Theory do an episode on this game?

    Matpat already makes LOTS of Cave Story references in his videos! Why not do an episode on a real life equivalent to the red flower?
  11. MimigaEmpire159

    Quote Announced for Character DLC for Runner2, QuotexReverse Merman Shipping Confirmed

    God this is, it's, SO EPIC! HUZZAH! The pose he makes on the character select screen doesn't make much sense. Why couln't he just have the polar star in his hand?
  12. MimigaEmpire159

    Shut up! I'm sure you've got something you don't want people to know!

    Shut up! I'm sure you've got something you don't want people to know!
  13. MimigaEmpire159

    From what I've played of it (GOD I SUCK WITH THE BUBBLER) it's absolutely AMAZING! I really...

    From what I've played of it (GOD I SUCK WITH THE BUBBLER) it's absolutely AMAZING! I really didn't expect the bloody game over screen, as well done as it was.
  14. MimigaEmpire159

    Cave Story 2.0

    This will be my first mod, and I'm VERY unexperienced, except for knowing how to do a little bit of M.U.G.E.N., but here is what I've done so far: *Changed the red in Quote's sprites to Blue (because I can) *Broken robot from First core fight in Starting room *Arthur's House now has the save...
  15. MimigaEmpire159

    (I was that Quotefan99 guy from a year or two ago, god I was so fucking immature.

    (I was that Quotefan99 guy from a year or two ago, god I was so fucking immature.