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Recent content by MimiDonalds

  1. MimiDonalds

    20 years.

    20 years.
  2. MimiDonalds

    Don't mention me in political threads, I have other things to focus on. Thanks

    Don't mention me in political threads, I have other things to focus on. Thanks
  3. MimiDonalds

    Alex is cancelled, go home.

    Alex is cancelled, go home.
  4. MimiDonalds

    Cave Story GBC in the works!

    Best of luck to you! GB Studio is a lot of fun IMO, regardless of the rather silly limitations it has. Your demake has improved by a lot from what I've seen.
  5. MimiDonalds

    Cave Story GB Port

    That's fine. Still got this thread on watch either way! Good luck on your demake and other projects.
  6. MimiDonalds

    Cave Story GB Port

    I'm a bit late but this is something I'm really looking forward to. I am friends with Skittles/Maiden Abyss and I'm also pretty interested to see what you got for this demake too! Always favored the idea of mixing the final and Beta CS together, not gonna lie.
  7. MimiDonalds

    Cave Story is 2 years away from legally drinking.

    Cave Story is 2 years away from legally drinking.
  8. Cave Story Beta RPG Project... No way.

    Cave Story Beta RPG Project... No way.

    (Featuring Inner Demons and Succubi as 2 of the requested enemies) It's not really a Beta fangame, but it still has Cave Story Beta stuff in there nonetheless. And YES, the bat IS one of your allies.
  9. MimiDonalds

    Option A it is then. Hope you're ready to see this version of Kazuma mourn for the only friend...

    Option A it is then. Hope you're ready to see this version of Kazuma mourn for the only friend he had before Toroko arrived.
  10. MimiDonalds

    No way! That was the one who uploaded the music box covers of Toroko's theme and other few...

    No way! That was the one who uploaded the music box covers of Toroko's theme and other few tracks..? :000
  11. MimiDonalds

    Alright... What do I draw? Four options. A. Swapped Kazuma from TorokoSwap grieving for...

    Alright... What do I draw? Four options. A. Swapped Kazuma from TorokoSwap grieving for Swapped Quote's destruction. B. Alex from Alex Anomaly and Beta Quote fighting to the death. (They are actually the same person in my fangame lmao, only difference is that this version of Beta Quote is a...
  12. MimiDonalds

    Time flies a little too fuckin' fast, I must admit...

    Time flies a little too fuckin' fast, I must admit...
  13. MimiDonalds

    Big mac!

    Big mac!
  14. MimiDonalds

    10/31/23 may or may not be the day where the finished revised rough draft of Alex Anomaly...

    10/31/23 may or may not be the day where the finished revised rough draft of Alex Anomaly finally releases. If it doesn't happen on that day, I could always aim for Cave Story's 19th anniversary then.
  15. Luka.png

