Recent content by LeGP228

  1. LeGP228

    Something I dont understand about cave story.

    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not 100% certain on this. The tow rope and Dr. Booster really have nothing in common except that there is no "save curly, kill Dr. Booster" ending in the game. There's just a good end so saving the first one possible — ie. Dr. Booster — is the only way...
  2. LeGP228

    Cave Story ~ Golden God

    Just a note to clear up confusion since I've seen it happen and understandably so. "I expect an answer" sounds kinda rude in English but it's an unfortunate direct translation from Spanish, a more accurate one considering semantics would be "I hope to get an answer" Sorry I can't help you on...
  3. LeGP228

    Future for Cave Story?

    I feel like Cave Story will continue to be pseudo famous like "Battle Toads" in that maybe not too many people will play it but it's gonna continue to be recognised in conversations for the foreseeable future. Nicalis hinted strongly to yet another remake of the game on their Twitter which may...
  4. LeGP228

    Planning first cosplay, any help? :)

    Wow, I didn't expect this kind of response so quickly thanks so much WD! Thrift stores have saved me countless times in the past but I seem to have run out of luck, I've gone out of my way to browse thrift stores I'm just driving by to be disappointed with those tacky Hawaiian shirts and...
  5. LeGP228

    Planning first cosplay, any help? :)

    I thought Quote would make an awesome first cosplay considering it's relatively easy (and inexpensive) not to mention my probably obvious love for the game itself. I got a couple of questions though, specifically concerning the pants. As of now I've got sheet metal for the cap, green fabric for...