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Recent content by FlyingCritter30

  1. F

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Do I need a flag ID for the boss?
  2. F

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Oh right. Sorry. But what I'm REALLY looking for are the flags I'm supposed to use for the boss.
  3. F

    Modding Mini Tutorials

    I really need help with adding boss scripts. Is anyone else willing to help?
  4. F

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    I have all of Cave Story's images in a bmp (16 bit) format, but when I change the color of something, it just shows up in a grayish color. Will this be fixed if I save the image as a 24-bit Bitmap image? I just want to make sure before I accidentally screw up my game.
  5. F

    Thanks, I'll look at that later.

    Thanks, I'll look at that later.
  6. F

    Cave story+ for 3ds

    -.- Perfect timing, I just used all of my e-shop points on Colors 3d... Well, I'm really looking forward to this. It be easier to play on the DS.
  7. F

    Really Fun Game Breaking Story 3D Glitch I Discovered

    I think almost all of us already know that glitch by now. And shouldn't this be in the CS 3D new stuff list thread?
  8. F

    I want to learn Assembly hacking in an easier way...

    I want to learn Assembly hacking in an easier way...
  9. F


  10. F

    Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

    *faceplam* Why don't I ever read the version numbers... I feel like an idiot yet again @_@
  11. F

    Booster's Lab - It's Pretty Good Now

    When do you think you'll add entities? Just wondering...
  12. F

    How Many Games By Pixel Have You Played?

    Guxt and Ikachan. (Not counting Cave Story) So only two. Maybe I'll play some more of his games one day. I plan on trying Rock Fish when it's done.
  13. F

    Happy Birthday Pixel

    I always found it crazy how Pixel's B-day is one day before mine... Anyways, Happy Birthday Pixel!
  14. F

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    Wait, I think I know why it wasn't working now. Thanks anyway though.
  15. F

    Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

    head.tsc? Where do I find that?