Recent content by another day on earth

  1. A

    folk song about cave story

    no, not on purpose! what is there to gain from spamming a cave story forum? we are geeks. we don't even care about advertisements! we?
  2. A

    folk song about cave story

    did i double post the entire thread? that was not meant! i think i clicked a couple of extra times due to my extra-bogus internet connection. sorry!
  3. A

    folk song about cave story

    hey guys. i do this blog where i write and record a song every day. the intent is for a year. i'm on day 150 or something. i guess i'm a bit crazy by now. who knows. anyways, i really love cave story and have for a long, long time. today's song is about cave story. i mean, in my way. but in any...