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  • https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zxrjg30zafozg4h/AAC3ZoCYtbfKTKn4IdbE5--ta?dl=0
    super duper extremely rough draft of some CS prequel fanfic ive been working on for like half a year
    its like the only thing ive ever written that i dont hate as of now
    if you give feedback, in this case it's not about what you like or dislike about the story as it is now, but what it will (and/or should) be like later
    You might say "do what you want," but that doesn't tell me much, especially since I mainly put this here for outside feedback. I've already shown this to a few people I know personally, and I want feedback that isn't overly nice just because the reader knows me.
    I still want you to give some feedback on how the story is now, just don't treat it like it's the final draft.
    Alrighty then, but what I wrote basically said"do what you want and then link it"
    Like I was saying that it’s not because someone cry ‘bout somethin that you need to justify it.
    Don’t do like the mcu movies. It’s up to the reader imagination to play, you can put little story, suposicion and all that good stuff to leave the reader with questions, questions that he’s gonna have to think about to find a solution. Anyw
    ay, I’ll be off writing what I thought of it.
    4 days in a row with no school due to snow and dangerously low temperatures

    michigan is fucked

    Meanwhile in California we're still on fire.
    It's warm af, what do you mean "cold"?
    well it's freezing for me too sooo
    did you draw that sue quote thing it looks pretty neat
    When it's done. I'd rather make a complete mod later than an incomplete one sooner. It'll hopefully be done in a few months.
    same im making a really long mod too so far its like an hour or an hour and a half

    i realized i made some boo boos on some stuff though so i'll have to fix that

    like i didnt notice but at some point in the mod from then on the way the camera focuses on quote is completely off
    oh did sue in your thing have those eyes because i thought she did
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