Captain Fabulous

This is picture is more disrespectful to Cave Story fans than it is to women. The artist spelt Misery

It's back yay!
Now I need to save it, print it and then umm... Go to the toilet.
sorry for.. bump?

anyway I can't see it why its disrespectful... there not showing any private parts, and I can't find their swimsuit that disrespectful.

Their just wearing swimsuit, nothing pervert there.. really I can't understand it.

I can't believe its disrespectful to CS fans.. I wonder what will be their reaction once I posted my Mr.Little in Curly's boobs...
You weren't there for Lowell's rantings about the picture... you should complain to him if you want to complain, but he's smartened up now. But yes, according to Past Lowell, perceiving women as sexy is disrespectful to them.
the fact they spelled misery's name "mizaly" pretty much just proves they're japanese. that's how you'd pronounce her name there, and is likely the closest romanization whoever drew it could think of.

and also though it's already been said, there is zero disprespectful about this image. if it was just 'lowell's fault', why'd YOU say it as well when you uploaded it?
Let me tell you a story. A story of trust, betrayal and brownies.
Many ages ago, when T-Jacks and Jacobs still roamed the forums, there was a social group known as The Darkside. I looked upon this group, and lol'd, for it was lame. However, in my noobishness, I created The Light Side, to counteract the forces of darkness, and also for teh lulz. Once a week I would give the Light Side members a nice thing, like brownies. Once, I uploaded that picture and shared it with the Light Side, which Lowell was a part of. Upon seeing this beautiful work of art, Lowell reported it for being "disrespectful" or something. The great super-moderator known to mortals as andwhyisit, in his apparently finite wisdom, deleted it.
I got fucking pissed off, and an epic flamewar of hardly imaginable proportions was ignited. In the end, SkyeWelse, the owner of these forums, deemed the picture appropriate, and S. P. Gardebiter, our most honored admin, told Lowell to calm the fuck down. Of course, Lowell does not calm the fuck down, and rubbing this picture in his face was mandatory. I often refer to this picture, or other sexual content on MGF, as "disrespectful."
I sounded like an ass in that comment, and I never even realized you'd replied. I was probably just being pushy over that weird profile conversation we had back then.

Either way, this picture is really great, thank you!~

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Captain Fabulous
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