Jun 15, 2010 at 7:18 PM
Noxid said:People complain about cell-shaded GFX a'la wind waker but I see nothing wrong; it give nice vibrant colours like LTTP and the other top-down ones. Link's model isn't 'toon' and I like that too, so it's kinda like the best of both worlds.
JetHawk95 said:I dont like the new Link, He just doesnt look like link, He looks gay, I mean that, he looks like he's gay. He look's inbeetween teen and adult anbd it does'nt look good, It looks too softened down to make it better for a younger audience. Ocarina of time as a teen looked epic, Windwaker you played as the kid link, looked epic, But this doesnt in my oppinion, its just not Link
JetHawk95 said:im sure, look at the OoT link as a teen and this Link, His hair and everything, The colour of his cloak. Dont mind me, im just one of those retro gamers who prefer old games Its just not my thing, dont know why i just dont like it. Sorry
Walrusdude said:Just don't expect the next OoT.
Also, look for some screenshots on the inventory Link will have. Unless it was just for the demo they showed at E3, apparently Link will only have a total of eight items.