The game won't read Prt0 and Npc0

Jan 20, 2025 at 11:24 PM
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The title is pretty self-explanatory; the game just gets stuck on the loading screen and gives me an error (in the log file) about something to do with Npc0.bmp and Prt0.bmp. Any way to fix this?
Jan 21, 2025 at 1:40 AM
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Two things:
1. What is the exact lines in error.log? If the file ends with "0" it's a missing file or one the game can't access. A "1" is a corrupt file or a file the game can technically access but something is wrong in trying to use it.
2. Since this is occurring in the loading screen, it is likely an issue with loading the mapdata for the intro cutscene. In vanilla CS it uses map 72 "u - Kings" to run the cutscene of the doctor walking to the Demon Crown. If you deleted the map or something it will bug out, but you can change the map that is used for this. Either way it is likely the issue is with this map. If you don't recall making any changes to it you can try just opening the map and re-saving it.
Jan 21, 2025 at 2:39 AM
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Probably to add on to Point 1 as well, were those two images edited at all, and for what reason? Sometimes they can be corrupted if saved improperly in certain image editing software (namely GIMP, but given we've been getting less and less issues reported relating to GIMP being in use, I imagine a guide to saving Cave Story bitmaps with the program does exist).
Jan 21, 2025 at 4:55 AM
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I just realized I forgot I deleted like most of the game's stages in the executable.(For a mod I was making.) I'm so sorry; I actually thought the game just like stopped working or something corrupted the files somehow. But anyways thanks for the help!