Megane (Glasses)

Feb 18, 2016 at 7:15 PM
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Guess who's back.... back again...

Anyways, I've been playing this game a lot recently, and I don't know why more people don't talk about it. It's really fun. I've gotten all the endings, of which there are 6.

1. Getting less than 30 points will result in a simple ending: the princess telling you to try harder.

2. Get at least 30 points between the three catches and you will make it to a special mini game, where you fight UFOs. Beat the UFO, and the princess and a pair of glasses will fall from the ceiling. Catch the glasses and let the girl fall to get an image of the character looking extra stylish with his shiny, un-broken glasses.

3. Catch the girl to get an image of the character chilling with his 100% safe princess.

4. Catch neither or shoot both to get an image of the character putting his broken glasses on his now dead princess.

5. Die during the fight and you will see an image of a UFO on the head of your character.

6. Run off the screen during the fight to see a black screen with the text "Ran Away!"

It's a pretty fun game. If you get a regular perfect catch, you get 10 points, if you get a vertical jumping perfect catch, you get 11 points, and if you get a running jump perfect catch you get 12 points. This means the highest score possible is 36, which I haven't ever seen someone get. If there's anything missing, or you have any comments, just add it as a response.

Feb 27, 2016 at 1:04 AM
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Megane is really fun, a good time waster for long bus rides. I remember one time I used resource hacker and replaced the pc's head with one of the eye things from Ballos's second form, lol.
Jun 23, 2016 at 9:19 PM
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What's the "Holy Jesus" thing for?

Getting 36 points?
Aug 11, 2023 at 8:16 AM
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I got 36 once, I don't have any evidence or remember if something cool happened...but it's definitely possible
Aug 11, 2023 at 11:47 PM
Serri Online
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I'm p sure someone has already done this, but here's what the princess says on your score:
(unused, maybe) - Please read Readme!
0 - ...what.
1 - Come on...
2 - That sucked!
3 - Poor thing
4 - Pretty bad
5 - Shape up a little
6 - That was pathetic
7 - What was that?
8 - Meeooowww!
9 - Woof woof woof!
10 - Don't give up!
11 - Uphill from here!
12 - The story has begun!
13 - Oh my, oh my
14 - What's t'problem?
15 - Don't mind. Don't mind
16 - Let's take a break soon
17 - Pick one
18 - Glasses, or me?
19 - Better luck next
20 - Keep it up
21 - Hot
22 - Eat your veggies
23 - Sweet!
24 - Kind of macho!
25 - Dinnertime!
26 - Looks good
27 - The light!
28 - Just 2 more!
29 - Ohh... so close!
30 - Congrats!
31 - *kiss*
32 - Woah cool!
33 - Holy Jesus!
35 - *flashes tits*
36 - You = God

Something tells me some of these were deliberate by the translator... I wonder what the original Japanese says.
Aug 14, 2023 at 10:39 PM
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I wonder what the original Japanese says.

Okay, so I found the text in the game executable and used a mixture of Google Translate, DeepL, and Reverso Context to provide a somewhat literal translation...

0 - ReadMe.txtよんでね… (Come on, read ReadMe.txt...)
1 - あれ? (Huh?)
2 - やる気な… (So unmotivated...)
3 - なにかちがう! (Something's wrong!)
4 - ザマぁねえな… (Disgraceful...)
5 - 調子悪いねなんすか? (Are you not feeling well? What happened?)
6 - この点数… (This score...)
7 - もうちょっと、なんか… (Just a little more, y'know...)
8 - おしくない!! (Not even close!!)
9 - にゃおー!! (Meow-!!)
10 - わんわんわ~ん! (Woof woof woo~f!)
11 - 負けないで! (Don't lose!)
12 - さぁ!これからだ! (Come on! It's just the beginning!)
13 - 物語は始まったばかりさ! (The story has just begun!)
14 - まあまあです。 (It's so-so.)
15 - こんなモンなの? (This is what you're like?)
16 - don't mind. don't mind. [text was in English]
17 - そろそろオヤツにしませんか? (I think it's about time for a snack, don't you?)
18 - メガネと私とどっちが大事なの? (Which is more important, your glasses or me?)
19 - 次いってみよ~。 (Try again next time~.)
20 - スジはいい… (Good streak...)
21 - 萌え。(Cute.)
22 - 野菜も食べなさい (Please eat your veggies too)
23 - 好き (I like it)
24 - なんてマッチョなの! (Kinda macho!)
25 - 食べていいよ。 ([Cigarette icon] You can eat it.)
26 - ええ感じ (Feels nice)
27 - 光は見えた (I see the light)
28 - あと2点!! (Two more points!!)
29 - ああ…じれったい!! (Aah... so frustrating!!)
30 - おめでとう!! (Congratulations!!)
31 - ぶっちゅ~ (Mwah~)
32 - OH!COOL!! [text was in English]
33 - お疲れ様でした☆ (Thank you for your hard work☆)
34 - ぎにゃああああああ!! (Ergwahhhh!!)
35 - パンツ見たい? (Do you want to see my panties?)
36 - 神か…。 (Are you a god...)
Last edited:
Aug 15, 2023 at 8:36 PM
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Huh, I guess it was fairly well translated. It's pretty funny to see the differences