Klik & Play games by X2000 Inc. and Asteroids & Aliens productions

Jan 27, 2009 at 11:30 AM
Source Splicer, 2nd Class
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Since homebrew games were added to the description here, I thought I might as well showcase what I have made in the past...

Back then, when I was a noob who didn't give credit to who really made the MIDIs that I freely used in my games without asking for permission... When I put in credits filled with lies & deceit (Yet containing some truth)... When the illusion of Klik & Play being the best game making program ever was strong...

If anybody remembers a little place known as Bad Beholder Webpages that I made using a webpage "creator" by MSN, you might've seen some of this content already... Yes, I was THAT Bad Beholder, and what a noob I was!

Games listed so far (Look below for details on each of them)
Anti-Gravity Ball eSnips Mirror
Assault 2: Flechie Vengeance eSnips Mirror
Assault 3: Mission Unknown eSnips Mirror
Beholder Assassinator eSnips Mirror
Blaster Plane eSnips Mirror
BlockBusters PLUS! eSnips Mirror
Cavern Runner eSnips Mirror
CityScape eSnips Mirror
In Search of Utopia eSnips Mirror
Intergalactica eSnips Mirror
Krauthilicrab Trainer eSnips Mirror
Lost Dimension eSnips Mirror


(I need to change the title of this game... Namco already has a game called Assault, and this isn't a fanbased sequel of it!)

In the majority of games you'll find here, you'll see a lot of the term, Flechaloch (Pronounced Fleck-uh-lock). This was a random naming idea that came to mind (Much like Quarancon & Precanyar, the names of my dragon pets on Legend of Mana) as I tried to classify the group of these aliens.

Anyway, onto the games!

NOTE: As with a lot of KNP, C&C & MMF types of games, there might be a few instances where the game will crash unexpectedly. I wish there is a way to fix this entirely, but considering how much I cram into these games...

Assault 2
Definitely one of my quickest works, but I had a lot of effort put into it. This is a more recent title compared to what you'll find below.

Type- Shoot-Em'-Up, Overhead & Sidescreen, alternating between certain levels.
Difficulty- *** (You don't really need a rapid fire trigger finger to beat my SHMUPs, but if you do have one, it'll make things easier...)
Progress- Completed
Other Notes- There are passwords for all but the 1st level in the game.

When entering a password, select 1P Mode on the Main Menu first, otherwise you'll enter the level in 2P Mode.

The Konami Code & Super C's 10 Lives code will work in this game, even though this has no actual connection with Konami. The first will give 30 lives, like on Contra, while the 2nd gives near perfect immortality (Bosses that can instantly kill will still be able to do so).

Before the Title Screen, type in "badtothebone" to play the game in Hard Mode from the start.

In the side scrolling levels, touching the ground/floor or ceiling will kill you instantly. Be careful!

It is possible to skip a huge part of the last level, but...
You must shoot the Flechaloch Dropship (Not it's barrier) 9999 times!
The final boss has a few blind spots where it can be killed quite easily, even on Hard Mode. I would fix this bug, if only Klik & Play's coding would allow me to edit the boss...

Lost Dimension (Beta)
This is a very incomplete version of Lost Dimension, the prequel to The 8 Superior related Cave Story mod. Currently only the debugger (My Elite), Aeris Gainsborough, & Noa are playable in certain levels.

Type- Side-Scrolling Action Platformer, I guess...
Difficulty- **
Progress- On Hold (The Forgotten Game; Revival is a higher priority at the moment...)
Other Notes- A lot of platforms are very buggy & will cause the player to bounce occasionally, usually right down a pit as you run forward. The boss areas don't have this problem, however.

All levels (Even the 1st one) can be accessed by using the Password option in the 1st menu on the top bar.

List of level #s [Password in here] included so far (All are pretty much incomplete right now, some are just pending more monsters)

[1] Lake Bridge 1 (Possible hints of a 2P option, if I don't encounter the "Read error" again)
[2] Lake Bridge 2 (1st Boss Stage, there's also some randomly placed gaps in the bridge)
[3] Magic Caverns 1 (The random level generation may prevent any progress, hoping to fix that soon)
[4] Magic Caverns 2 (2nd boss stage, level skip has been set for this one)
[5] Unnamed Forest Level 1 (Some of the older spriting attempts of Aeris can be found here, incomplete)
[6] Unnamed Forest Level 2 (Nothing but Pumpkin Bombs here so far, they can knock out my Elite if they drop on him)
[8] Unnamed Forest Level 3 (Very incomplete level & 3rd boss battle, boss area auto-scrolls)

Collision detection for Aeris's Guard Stick is a bit finicky.

The Claw Serpent's weak spot is that eye on the eyestalk. Hitting that will cause 10 times the normal damage.

Aeris will have magic in a later release.

Noa can grab onto edges in you press Shift while she is "grabbing" the edge. Then, you can either use Shift to have her pull herself up, or hold Ctrl & then press Shift to leap off of the wall in the opposite direction she's facing (Though sometimes, a glitch will allow her to jump through the wall, sometimes getting stuck if the ground is randomly generated that way...).

My Elite won't be playable in the final game.

In Search of Utopia
One of my first games, so it's not really good, but i still think it's pretty decent. It's also where the Flechalochs made their initial debut.

Type- Alternates between Overhead & Side-Scrolling SHMUP with side perspective Platformer in certain points
Difficulty- ****
Progress- Completed
Other Notes- Pretty much everything (Except bosses) dies in one hit, and the player is no exception!

You can move forward while shooting to "stack" your bullets up & earn extra points. This wasn't intentional.

Originally, ISoU had NO continue feature. Over minor fixes, I added 5 continues to grant 30 lives altogether.

There's a point bonus if you can complete the game without losing a single life or continuing.

Blaster Plane
Made not too long after ISoU, as the Flechalochs have returned a 2nd time. The game's okay, but I feel it's lacking somehow...

Type- Alternates between Overhead & Side-Scrolling SHMUP
Difficulty- ***
Progress- Completed
Other Notes- When your plane crashes, the fire can have a few effects on levels 1 & 3, depending on where you crash.

Even while you have the Invincibility flash, you can still die instantly from hitting the ground in Level 2 or the towers in Level 3.

Zylon Raceway is based off of the SimCity 2000 City that I made of the same name. It has nothing to do with the material known as Zylon or the Zylon Warriors handheld game mentioned in Cardcaptors.

I apologize for the double post below, but because of the image number restriction of only 4 pics per post...
Jan 27, 2009 at 11:36 AM
Source Splicer, 2nd Class
Join Date: Jan 26, 2008
Location: Back where I should've been
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Age: 37

This was the original idea for Blaster Plane before I scrapped the idea & brought it back about half a year later.

Type- Overhead SHMUP
Difficulty- ****
Progress- Completed
Other Notes-You cannot move & shoot at the same time. I'm not sure what causes this but, like with A2:FV, the game's coding is too full to be editable.

The backgrounds are poorly imported images from SimCity 4. Klik n' Play doesn't really import images all that well...
Look what it did to poor Noa in the epilogue!

EDIT: I uploaded a newer version that fixes a cheap way to win against the final boss, as well as the removal of the hidden Musical Muddle thing (Which is not mine) because that came from a place long forgotten by Google called Mouldy Old Productions.

Anti-Gravity Ball
The goal of this game is to get the key & get to the door to complete each level. Seems easy, right? Not if the ball continues to ascend after jumping until it hits something!

Type- Puzzle Platformer
Difficulty- ****
Progress- Completed
Other Notes- If you hit the side of a wall when the ball descends, it cannot be moved until it lands (Darn KnP physics...). This can make Level 3 really irritating...

Wood on wood was definitely NOT by best level idea...

Coincidentally enough, there was already an AGB on the 101 gamepack thing by Antidote Entertainment & Valusoft. I'll have to change this game's title, too...

Here's the download links for all the games, in case you missed one-

Anti-Gravity Ball
Assault 2: Flechie Vengeance
Blaster Plane
In Search of Utopia
Lost Dimension

I hope everyone enjoys!
Jan 27, 2009 at 2:46 PM
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Very nice! I'll have to give these a try sometime when I get my PC back in shape. I'm using a Macbook as my primary computer at the moment.

Without having played the games yet, I would like to say that I really enjoy your style of designing the various sprites for your shtm'ups. It would be great if you ended up making a Bad Beholder shtm'up collection game that lets you pick them all from a menu.

Thanks for sharing! Are you still developing your own homebrew games these days?

Jan 27, 2009 at 3:24 PM
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I get a fantastic Amiga vibe off your spritework - excellent job!
Jan 27, 2009 at 7:48 PM
Source Splicer, 2nd Class
Join Date: Jan 26, 2008
Location: Back where I should've been
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SkyeWelse said:
Without having played the games yet, I would like to say that I really enjoy your style of designing the various sprites for your shtm'ups. It would be great if you ended up making a Bad Beholder shtm'up collection game that lets you pick them all from a menu.
Actually, with the exception of the characters in Lost Dimension, as well as the player's ship in CityScape & its arsenal, the majority of sprites come with KnP & C&C, and are free to be used in the games without needing to ask for permission from Europress Software.

(The spikes in AGB came from the FreeArcade game, Wicky Woo, however... Oopsies!)

EDIT: The pumpkins in the sunset forest level of Lost Dimension are the Pumpkin Bombs from Secret of Mana, as well... Double screw up for me!
SkyeWelse said:
Thanks for sharing! Are you still developing your own homebrew games these days?
I haven't been developing on anything, recently, but it's kind of an on/off progression thing. I usually start working on them around springtime, then stop when the cold weather comes (Out of paranoia to protect the 1st computer I ever got back in 2001, which is where I make them at).

I do appreciate the positive reaction from everyone so far, I was kind of worried I'd be shot down rather quickly without changing the stuff I used without permission first (Yes, I left things unchanged when I uploaded them!)...

2nd EDIT: I updated the CityScape link (See above) & added 2 more games after importing them between computers. Here they are-


Beholder Assassinator
This is a recreation of the last floor on Eye of the Beholder 1, but with automatic doors that periodically open & close.

Type- Overhead 3rd Person Shooter
Difficulty- ***
Progress- Incomplete, but not abandoned (15%)
Other Notes- I plan to recreate all of the EOB1 floors, and hide secrets other than the Beholder Bonus quests in each one of them, too.

There's no limit to Health (Which isn't shown at the time due to status displays only overlapping background images, but not "active objects" like the darkness effect.

The Golems can walk through a certain removable wall not too far from the entrance. I will fix that later...

Speaking of the entrance, if you're stuck in the 1st room, try shooting the west wall. This was sort of intentional since the Super Nintendo version of EOB1's wall could only be opened with a thrown projectile.

The main character will have to be changed later, since the sprite came from Paintball Wars by BullDOG Games (Now known as JRip Creations, though the game isn't found there anymore...)

The automatic doors can crush you, causing instant death. Fortunately, you won't be seeing too many of these in the early stages (When I add them in, that is...)

Just an experimentation with semi-auto firing instead of relying on button mashing, but I'd say it puts up a good challenge for those who can be patient.

Type- Overhead SHMUP
Difficulty- ****
Progress- Completed
Other Notes- Not much to say about this one except that there's no MIDI music here, allowing you to play your own music as you cruise & blast away.

The # of seconds to make it to the final boss was originally 5341! That has been shortened significantly.
Jun 23, 2009 at 6:38 AM
Source Splicer, 2nd Class
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Age: 37
Threads on Pages 2 & beyond are dead? I don't think so...

I finally got around & added two more games to the list. Also, I've added some eSnips links for all of the games (MediaFire's "Click here for a free virus scan" link is malware in disguise, at least according to most of the user comments on Norton Safe Web. That's probably why it's being blocked by some browsers now...).


Assault 3: Mission Unknown (Demo) {eSnips Mirror}
This is a 2 level demo of the sequel to Assault 2 listed earlier (And also pending for a name change). The Flechalochs are back once more, but this time, it's going to lead the hero into places no outsiders have ever known about before...
Where the Krauthilians live, though it's not in this demo, sad to say...

Type- Overhead SHMUP
Difficulty- **** (Can vary, depending on the difficulty level of choice)
Progress- On Hold (Hardly anywhere done right now- Maybe about 6% done)
Other Notes- Part 1 of the 1st level (Shown above) is an early experiment on a free-roaming environment in Klik & Play. Unlike the levels in Assault 2, this one doesn't just have the player going in one direction only.

The player's ship will turn around immediately upon going too far away from Earth in the free-roam area. After regaining control, you'll also turn around immediately when you try to change your direction. I'll plan on fixing that if possible.

In Level 2 (Space Highway), when one of the red Flechalochs along the sides jump onto the player's ship, they can latch on. Bump into the wall to shake them off (The wall is not deadly in this one, unlike the earlier game). Staying along the bottom of the screen will discourage them from jumping.

If you shoot one of the red Flechalochs & kill it just as it latches on, you can be immune to their highjacking attempts for the rest of that part of the level. The brown ones that jump off from the sides can still damage, however. This'll be fixed, as well.

Though the Superbeast BossCraft after the Space Highway is not meant to be defeated, it is possible to win this optional battle. I've only done it on Easy (EDIT: Once), however.

The 1st two passwords in Lost Dimension work here, as well. If you're already on that level, however, it'll have no effect.

[1] Protect Earth!
[2] Space Highway


Krauthilicrab Trainer {eSnips Mirror}
This is the practice game I made to improve my abilities against the 5th boss in Blaster Master. Granted, it isn't entirely the same, but it comes close with its attack patterns, nevertheless.

Type- Overhead SHMUP
Difficulty- * (Impossible to die here)
Progress- Completed
Other Notes- As the title on the window of this game suggests when you 1st start it up, this'll be one of the bosses in Assault 3. The version here is merely a stand-alone version split from A3, complete with its own scoring system & a hit counter.

I'm pretty sure the boss this is based off of didn't take 350 hits to defeat it. Regardless, that's how many that are required here.

Scoring List for this game-

Shooting the crab's weak point for massive damage= +500 points per hit
Shooting a Phantom Bubble= -1 point per bubble shot
Getting hit by a Phantom Bubble= -10 points per hit
Aug 11, 2009 at 8:40 AM
Source Splicer, 2nd Class
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A couple more for variety, along with a demo fix

A quick fix- The Assault 3 Demo had an error when selecting the difficulty level (Easy would actually start Medium, Medium would pick Hard, & Hard is still Hard). This has now been fixed in the updated links to A3.

Here's a couple more I just added, as well-

BlockBusters PLUS! {eSnips Mirror}
This game was originally intended to parody one of WildTangent's games, BlasterBall 2: Revolution (Which, in turn, seemed to borrow a lot of elements from Arkanoid: Doh It Again...). Over time, though, things became a bit more "original" in a way...

Type- Breakout "clone"
Difficulty- *** (Can vary, depending on the difficulty level of choice)
Progress- Completed
Other Notes- This game takes a screen resolution of 1024x768 or more to see everything (More current day computers need not worry), hence the "plus" part in the title.

If the ball touches the very tip of the player's "paddle" (Atari Breakout habitual reference), it may still go right past it at a slightly downward angle. This is particularly notorious at the beginning of a level, if the ball is launched to the right & the player doesn't move.

When the ball split powerup is grabbed, they will stick to each other for awhile. This is natural, though it's not like the equivalent powerup types on Arkanoid & BlasterBall.

Sometimes, if the ball hits the corner & the forcefield at the same time, it'll still go down the pit. Other times, it won't disable the forcefield at all.

When you get the bullet powerup while your paddle is extended, you won't be able to shoot the blocks on the sides. Getting a shrink arrow will remedy this, though it'll be too potent, if you know what I mean (If you let the ball drop, you'll lose the powerups you got.)

If the backgrounds look familiar, it's because a majority of them come from the rooftop Bitmaps from The Sims. The 1st level (shown above) is an exception, since it was a custom rooftop I added in myself.


Cavern Runner {eSnips Mirror}
Another one of my older games. Basically, the person in white gets stuck in some sort of cave, & has to find the way out, while meeting a few allies along the way, as well as a hostile group of aliens called the Underground University (More like rebel Flechalochs?).

Type- Action/Adventure? (Though I say RPG/Overhead Shooter in the Readme)
Difficulty- ***
Progress- Completed
Other Notes- There are multiple paths at certain points. They all lead to the same destination for every path group, but the enemy types can vary on each path.

You'll only have one weapon for the entire game, but you'll have to get it after the first room before you can use it.

A certain boss battle area has a different boss for each path.

Sometimes, your allies can get stuck on you if they get too close. If this happens, you might have to shoot them off & kill them to get free.

If you shoot the 2nd ally (In red), he'll shoot back at you. Watch out!

The final room consists of a game that's similar to Hockey, only instead of points being counted, your treasure score is increased & decreased depending on which goal the "puck" enters. If your treasure count reaches 0 or lower, your entire team dies instantly!

The Underground University plays with an unfair advantage in the 1st Round, but the last ally will join after the 1st round is over (you have to bump into him like the others first, though).

The 2nd rounds' team of Underground University have special abilities. The zapper will make the puck damage the player's team & paralyze the Underground University's team temporarily if it touches. The orange circular one will split the puck into two, making things a bit more challenging (Though it goes back to just one puck after scoring).

In Round 3, the final boss takes your team on alone. It can divide the puck into 3 & even "consume" your teammates (And your character) if it stays over them long enough!

Fun fact: There's a complete map of this game in the Upgrade Shop on CityScape.
Aug 13, 2009 at 3:00 PM
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Blockbuster was fun. I like how the balls bounce off each other and how they struggle to separate when you get a ball-divide powerup (5 bucks says that sentence ends up in Jacob's sig). Those are features I can't remember having seen in any other breakout game. I could sort of see the resemblance to Blasterball 2 Revolution, there was a boss at the end and the "get ready" music sort of sounded like the get ready music from Bb2R (was that intentional?). I thought it was kinda weird that the silver and gold bricks were worth more points than the platinum ones, but whatev.

I haven't tried cavern runner yet.
Jan 28, 2021 at 11:23 PM
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Beholder Assassinator
This is a recreation of the last floor on Eye of the Beholder 1, but with automatic doors that periodically open & close.

Type- Overhead 3rd Person Shooter
Difficulty- ***
Progress- Incomplete, but not abandoned (15%)
Other Notes- I plan to recreate all of the EOB1 floors, and hide secrets other than the Beholder Bonus quests in each one of them, too.

There's no limit to Health (Which isn't shown at the time due to status displays only overlapping background images, but not "active objects" like the darkness effect.

The Golems can walk through a certain removable wall not too far from the entrance. I will fix that later...

Speaking of the entrance, if you're stuck in the 1st room, try shooting the west wall. This was sort of intentional since the Super Nintendo version of EOB1's wall could only be opened with a thrown projectile.

The main character will have to be changed later, since the sprite came from Paintball Wars by BullDOG Games (Now known as JRip Creations, though the game isn't found there anymore...)

I know this is absolutely crazy, but on the super off chance you're still tracking these projects, I am BullDOG Games (aka JRip Creations). It's been so long that all my stuff has been lost the last 20+ years, so I no longer have any of my old material, but you're free to use whatever you want. In fact, if you still have of some of my old stuff, I'd love to get a copy for nostalgia.