Nov 22, 2009 at 11:53 PM
Sorry I haven’t posted anything new in a long time guys. I’ve been pretty busy with school and work. But even though I haven’t posted anything new on the message boards I do think about Zelda3C a lot. One of the reasons why I haven’t made any progress on the game recently is because I really don’t know what needs to be done. I don’t know what Gamemakr24’s needs are. In a previous post I made a while back I talked about how I made lots of progress with the game and I believe that I did. I tried to accomplish as much as I could by just using Hyrule Magic, by making puzzles and testing out concepts. While Hyrule Magic gave me lots of freedom creating I feel now that I’ve reached a dead end with the program because of its limitations.
I’m actually trying to learn ASM, although I don’t know for sure if I’ll ever get it down. I’m just attempting to learn it. I’ve been talking with programmers in a chat room on and I have learned a few new things but it is a very slow process.
Like for example if you have this.
I learned that the $ sign indicates that this is an address. The 1FFFF is a hexadecimal number. So the entire thing is called a hex address.
But then what if you did this.
Because there is a # sign in front of it, it would mean that it is the literal value of $FF
Also I know a few of these things.
lda = Load accumulator with value
sta = Store accumulator to address
pea = Push effective address
pla = Pop to accumulator
clc (Clear carry flag)
Again progress is extremely slow. I can’t make any promises if I’ll ever do coding for Zelda3C but if I ever want to see some of my ideas come alive in this game, I’ll need to be able to do it.
Here is something to be excited about. That’s right Math on Napkins has released the first version of his Zelda3 editor, Black Magic 0.09 alpha
Although I haven’t been able to master it yet, I’m really excited because it might give Gamemakr24 more freedom while creating Zelda3C.
I’m going to try really hard to try and make some more progress on this game over the winter holiday. I will be off from school and while I may work I will have some time to get something done. What I’m going to do right now is e-mail Gamemakr24 and ask him to give me some assignments to work on, or a checklist of some sort. I can only make progress though if I know what needs to be done.
Now I’m not discrediting Gamemakr24 at all, I know he is very busy with work and family, its just sometimes it takes a long time to get some feedback from him. I’ve sent him videos of my Zelda3C ideas and even though he has been very nice and has given feedback on the older ones I’ve submitted, there are still many videos that are over a half-year-old, which I have not received feedback on yet. So Gamemakr24 if you are reading this post, the deadline is up, you need to give me some feedback on those videos. LOL (of course I’m joking) But whole point I’m trying to make here is that this game is going to take a long time to make. I know everyone following this game has been very patient. And the same holds true for me as well. I have to learn to be patient too. This is just the nature of the project.
And now I’m off to go e-mail Gamemakr24!
Have a good holiday season everyone.
I’m actually trying to learn ASM, although I don’t know for sure if I’ll ever get it down. I’m just attempting to learn it. I’ve been talking with programmers in a chat room on and I have learned a few new things but it is a very slow process.
Like for example if you have this.
I learned that the $ sign indicates that this is an address. The 1FFFF is a hexadecimal number. So the entire thing is called a hex address.
But then what if you did this.
Because there is a # sign in front of it, it would mean that it is the literal value of $FF
Also I know a few of these things.
lda = Load accumulator with value
sta = Store accumulator to address
pea = Push effective address
pla = Pop to accumulator
clc (Clear carry flag)
Again progress is extremely slow. I can’t make any promises if I’ll ever do coding for Zelda3C but if I ever want to see some of my ideas come alive in this game, I’ll need to be able to do it.
Here is something to be excited about. That’s right Math on Napkins has released the first version of his Zelda3 editor, Black Magic 0.09 alpha

Although I haven’t been able to master it yet, I’m really excited because it might give Gamemakr24 more freedom while creating Zelda3C.
I’m going to try really hard to try and make some more progress on this game over the winter holiday. I will be off from school and while I may work I will have some time to get something done. What I’m going to do right now is e-mail Gamemakr24 and ask him to give me some assignments to work on, or a checklist of some sort. I can only make progress though if I know what needs to be done.
Now I’m not discrediting Gamemakr24 at all, I know he is very busy with work and family, its just sometimes it takes a long time to get some feedback from him. I’ve sent him videos of my Zelda3C ideas and even though he has been very nice and has given feedback on the older ones I’ve submitted, there are still many videos that are over a half-year-old, which I have not received feedback on yet. So Gamemakr24 if you are reading this post, the deadline is up, you need to give me some feedback on those videos. LOL (of course I’m joking) But whole point I’m trying to make here is that this game is going to take a long time to make. I know everyone following this game has been very patient. And the same holds true for me as well. I have to learn to be patient too. This is just the nature of the project.
And now I’m off to go e-mail Gamemakr24!
Have a good holiday season everyone.