Jul 28, 2009 at 3:44 AM
I’ve decided to make my own thread and so here it is.
I recently started reading some very detailed documents concerning the Zelda 3 rom written by mathonnapkins. Let me tell you he is a very talented hacker. I’m reading these documents to get a better understanding of the programming aspect of this game. Here are some of the things that I found that are interesting in his writings and maybe even useful to GameMakr24 if he doesn’t already know about it.
I remember that GM had a request for Kiki he said “I already have the data required to move the points where Kiki talks; only the actual event needs to be moved.” I hope this info regarding the RAM will help.
$02F9 - Relates to Kiki... (STZ when he finds you)
Here is some info regarding the skull woods entrance as well as the turtle rock entrance that GM requested as well.
$04C6 – Trigger for special animations
0 – nothing
1 – Dark Palace entrance
2 – Skull Woods entrance (when it burns)
3 – Misery Mire entrance
4 – Turtle Rock entrance
Wow. Is there really luck in this game? I guess so.
$0CF9 - Luck
$0CFA - Luck Kill Counter. When this reaches 10 luck will revert to normal.
That goes for Bad luck and good luck
I kind of like this one because I kind of understand it. After all I did take a class in programming logic and a class in visual basic. It looks like some kind of if then statement and it looks like their declaring the variables B and Y at the beginning.
int B = tilemap_address;
int Y = 0; // Y will be the resulting VRAM offset
if(B & 0x1000) // Is this tile in the lower two quadrants?
// YES!
Y += 0x1000;
B ^= 0x1000; // Tells us to ignore this bit in the proceeding calculations.
if(B & 0x40) // Is this tile in a right hand quadrant?
// YES!
Y += 0x800;
B ^= 0x040; // The ^ symbol is XOR, in case you didn't know.
Y += (B - ((B & 0xFF80) >> 1));
Ok I thought this was weird. I know that some sprites can follow you but what I did not know is that apparently at the beginning of the game Zelda is following you but she is invisible? You have to read this.
Tagalong Indicator (who is following you, if anyone?) (value based)
$3CC: $0: no one
$1: Princess Zelda
$2: ???
$3: ???
$4: Old Man?
$5: Zelda (invisible) bitching at you about coming to rescue her
In his SRM document he also states something really interesting.
Side Note 2: Items other than the standard equipment can be equipped. For instance, it's possible to equip the compass as a sword.
And by the way I finally checked out GM’s dam and it looks pretty amazing. The only thing that I could possibly nitpick on is that under those two stone balconies that are underneath the doorways it seems like there needs to be a shadow of some sort under there but overall I’m impressed.
I recently started reading some very detailed documents concerning the Zelda 3 rom written by mathonnapkins. Let me tell you he is a very talented hacker. I’m reading these documents to get a better understanding of the programming aspect of this game. Here are some of the things that I found that are interesting in his writings and maybe even useful to GameMakr24 if he doesn’t already know about it.
I remember that GM had a request for Kiki he said “I already have the data required to move the points where Kiki talks; only the actual event needs to be moved.” I hope this info regarding the RAM will help.
$02F9 - Relates to Kiki... (STZ when he finds you)
Here is some info regarding the skull woods entrance as well as the turtle rock entrance that GM requested as well.
$04C6 – Trigger for special animations
0 – nothing
1 – Dark Palace entrance
2 – Skull Woods entrance (when it burns)
3 – Misery Mire entrance
4 – Turtle Rock entrance
Wow. Is there really luck in this game? I guess so.
$0CF9 - Luck
$0CFA - Luck Kill Counter. When this reaches 10 luck will revert to normal.
That goes for Bad luck and good luck
I kind of like this one because I kind of understand it. After all I did take a class in programming logic and a class in visual basic. It looks like some kind of if then statement and it looks like their declaring the variables B and Y at the beginning.
int B = tilemap_address;
int Y = 0; // Y will be the resulting VRAM offset
if(B & 0x1000) // Is this tile in the lower two quadrants?
// YES!
Y += 0x1000;
B ^= 0x1000; // Tells us to ignore this bit in the proceeding calculations.
if(B & 0x40) // Is this tile in a right hand quadrant?
// YES!
Y += 0x800;
B ^= 0x040; // The ^ symbol is XOR, in case you didn't know.
Y += (B - ((B & 0xFF80) >> 1));
Ok I thought this was weird. I know that some sprites can follow you but what I did not know is that apparently at the beginning of the game Zelda is following you but she is invisible? You have to read this.
Tagalong Indicator (who is following you, if anyone?) (value based)
$3CC: $0: no one
$1: Princess Zelda
$2: ???
$3: ???
$4: Old Man?
$5: Zelda (invisible) bitching at you about coming to rescue her
In his SRM document he also states something really interesting.
Side Note 2: Items other than the standard equipment can be equipped. For instance, it's possible to equip the compass as a sword.
And by the way I finally checked out GM’s dam and it looks pretty amazing. The only thing that I could possibly nitpick on is that under those two stone balconies that are underneath the doorways it seems like there needs to be a shadow of some sort under there but overall I’m impressed.