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  1. Helixneo

    What the heck is Balrog?

    he could be a pillow made living by misery :/
  2. Helixneo

    Ask a dumb question.

    to learn about karma press 5 why is my friend's hair purple????!?!?!?!?!?!???
  3. Helixneo

    Rate the favorite CS character of the person above you.

    8/10 beacuse you can get jellyfish juice infinitly the dog in the back room in curly's house cuz he helps you find curly's pantys
  4. Helixneo

    Ask a dumb question.

    Easy, read the book, Can game of thrones play parcheesi?
  5. Helixneo

    CONFIRMED: King ate red flowers and survived

    You know, I think that there is a thread just like this one somewhere and it has many replys •••• anyway he probably ate a bit of 1 (cause: aruthur got killed by the doctor.effect: king ate a bit of the red flower because he thought he had to be the strong one in the village )
  6. Helixneo

    Who constructed the Core Room?

    Very likely it was jenka because the chaba says that she dropped them in the labyrinth to protect something (the core or some unknown object?)
  7. Helixneo

    Ask a dumb question.

    This one: why the god can't I bacon?