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  1. PPPliny

    Where's Pi?

    Through CaveStory I fell in love with Studio Pixel's art and followed Pi's Twitter feed. But it's been almost a year since Pi posted a new drawing, and when I look at Pi's dev account, I haven't heard from it since Christmas. Does anyone know what Pi is doing these days please? I'm looking...
  2. PPPliny

    Cave Story GB Port

    Very impressive demo, but it's even a long way from the old unfinished GB port at this moment, hope to fight against Balfrog in your port one day OvO
  3. PPPliny

    Why did freeware ver. cavestory run at 50tps?

    Wow so unexpected This makes me even more curious about the origin of the Aeon Genesis name, which at first I thought came from the Neon Genesis Evangelion
  4. PPPliny

    Why did freeware ver. cavestory run at 50tps?

    Actually, I have a less relevant question, I'd like to know which word is the "P" in AGTP
  5. PPPliny

    Why did freeware ver. cavestory run at 50tps?

    Recently I wanted to play cavestory again using doukutsu-rs and noticed that the settings show a frame rate of 50fps, but as far as I know Japanese consoles are supposed to be 60fps. I was curious as to why cavestory chose a frame rate of 50fps, so I registered an account to ask this question on...