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  1. Soap-GirlUnderAttack.gif


    The May 15, 2010 Soaprun server was not reinitialized as of 8/18/2024. I made drawing things on the map over several earlier days and changed it. Went on the danger of putting Closers into it (and sacrificed a few Soaprunners) to create it for a GIF.
  2. Fluff8836

    Show off your org music...

    Hello again. Here to share another ORG I made. TL;DR Here it is if you want to listen to it right away. But I recommend that you read on to find out how I brought myself to remaking into an ORG. I seem to have been liking to listening to that song. I heard this in a rom hack of SMW which...
  3. Fluff8836

    Both the May 15, 2010 and November 13, 2010 Soaprun servers are still up and seems to be still...

    Both the May 15, 2010 and November 13, 2010 Soaprun servers are still up and seems to be still running around the clock. No initialization so far at the time of writing this status, the NPCs are still may be somewhere else because of Soaprunner interaction, and all shade tile drawings still...
  4. Fluff8836

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    Now that is awesome! The Soaprun site can have it's own main server running, and a little update for a new build of the game to connect directly to the new server without the use of the Soapdish DLLs and INI. However, I still like multiple servers. I bet Soapdish will still continue to have a...
  5. Fluff8836

    I have some history to share during my playing of the earlier versions of Soaprun back in 2010...

    I have some history to share during my playing of the earlier versions of Soaprun back in 2010. I constructed big PNGs of the whole maps of the earlier days. And each time there are some modifications in the updates, I only pasted small room modifications into the PNG. March 13, 2010 April 10...
  6. Fluff8836

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    Thanks so very much! Also, please check the conversation I made with you about the guide. I updated it again.
  7. Fluff8836

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    Well, I decided to update my guide. Now it is in PDF. My first post in this thread is edited, however the link to the new guide is in my post signature. I will PM Andwhyisit to update my guide on the Tribute Site.
  8. Fluff8836

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    Looking forward to this. The ending "card" you see after reaching the checkered flag, there's 4 of them with just a scribble writing. They are placeholders. I think Pixel planned to make some artwork of a Soaprunner or multiple Soaprunners, with equipment or not. Imagine: Ending 1: A...
  9. Fluff8836

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    Finally figured it out. I have edited my earlier post. Navigate to the very first of my posts here. At the time of writing this post here, I can connect again, but for the time being, the November 2010 map is live. 7/24/2024 11:30 PM PDT, both servers are now closed, undergoing testing. Please...
  10. Fluff8836

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    Now I am unable to connect. I do not see Protocol Validated in the message and it is taking forever. I will tell some history, Pixel usually opened the server over the weekend and then puts the server to sleep when the weekend is over (roughly Sunday night in Japan, sometimes with a custom...
  11. Fluff8836

    The Grand Semi-official Soaprun Re-opening

    I cannot believe it. Yes! Thanks for actually making custom servers, and a means to connect to (the DLLs and INI from Soapdish). You rock! I got credited in the Soapdispenser project. Nice. My guide I made from March 26, 2011 is still on the Tribute Site, found here. EDIT 7/25/2024: I decided...
  12. Fluff8836

    If interested in a PDF copy of the score table for Doukutsu Randamu on how you earn points here...

    If interested in a PDF copy of the score table for Doukutsu Randamu on how you earn points here it is. Now with pictures of items and enemies. I did a lot of work using two calculators, getting current score and the changed score after collecting an item or defeating an enemy. Then subtracting...
  13. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.44.2)

    I like to leave out a scoring table on how you earn points as you play. I will also post this at the new discussion forum at the game's GitHub. Difficulty score increases added but rounded down. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |...
  14. Fluff8836

    OrgMaker 3 - Updated version of Org2

    Nice improvement. Good point: Playback moves note by note rather than by measure. Bad point: Please see VirusTotal report. Based on latest version 3.0.8.
  15. Fluff8836

    Good to know. Updated right away., that's revision 1.

    Good to know. Updated right away., that's revision 1.
  16. Fluff8836

    And now finally 1.44.1 got released. Downloaded it. I see no new information at the Changelog in...

    And now finally 1.44.1 got released. Downloaded it. I see no new information at the Changelog in the Readme file. But I am very sure all the bugs that I mentioned, including the Curly Brace problem, were fixed.
  17. Fluff8836

    UPDATE: It's been more than 11 hours of downtime for but now there's signs of returning...

    UPDATE: It's been more than 11 hours of downtime for but now there's signs of returning to normal. Randamu was able to connect for update checking. Was able to access and some games, including Randamu. Now that its coming back to normal, expect a patch soon in the coming days.
  18. Fluff8836

    All the bugs I came across on Doukutsu Randamu reported have been fixed. 1.44.1 is coming...

    All the bugs I came across on Doukutsu Randamu reported have been fixed. 1.44.1 is coming, HOWEVER, has suffered a DDoS attack since 5 AM PDT, 5/27/2024. That update patch is going to be delayed. You cannot use the built-in check for updates feature in Randamu yet, returns SSL connect...
  19. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.44.2)

    Love the new release so far, the 2nd Campaign new worlds and new music are amazing! However, I have reported a handful of bugs and issues to the Issue Tracker at GitHub that I have come across in my test runs. EDIT 5/30/2024: Version 1.44.1 just got released now.
  20. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.44.2)

    Just a little heads up, I have been receiving emails from GitHub that my bunch of reported bugs are now being examined on this day. Much has been fixed. Version 1.44 is on its way soon. Version 1.44 is now here! (5/19/2024)
  21. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.44.2)

    Ah, thank you very much for this. You may update the thread's title accordingly. Will definitely try this update out. Yeah, the crafted Gatling Gun was way too overpowered making it too easy, especially for Resonant. Thanks for adjusting it.
  22. Fluff8836

    Doukutsu Randamu (1.44.2)

    Hi there. Been loving this new concept you made. Played it about more than a year ago. Very diverse. I have reported new bugs on GitHub. Please see the Issue Tracker when you get the chance. For version
  23. Fluff8836

    I uploaded a variation of "Running Hell" ORG file... (4/15/2023: Minor update to attachment)

    I uploaded a variation of "Running Hell" ORG file... (4/15/2023: Minor update to attachment)
  24. Fluff8836

    ⚰️RIP 3DS & Wii U eShop. 3DS digital games Cave Story+ and Ikachan 3D are no longer available...

    ⚰️RIP 3DS & Wii U eShop. 3DS digital games Cave Story+ and Ikachan 3D are no longer available anymore.
  25. Fluff8836

    The Cave Story preservation thread

    ⚠️Last warning. EDIT: ⚰️RIP eShop... Nintendo announced the cutoff time 3/27/2023 at 5:00 PM Pacific Daylight time. Hope Nicalis hears about this, and the thread starter too...